


pixiegirl said:
I don't understand why anyone would get bent on or over analyze a compliment??? I use the word cute all the time and mean it for what it is. I think the person is attractive.

As Jabba as my witness we were at the bar one night and this little drunk guy was hounding me. We couldn't be on the dance floor without this dude all up in my face. He was "ok" looking but not cute, hot, smokin', whatever. So he says to me..."Man, you are smokin' hot. Am I smokin' hot?" WTF, like that wasn't a loaded question. If you lie and say yes he'll think he has a chance, if you say flat out no then you're being mean. My response was an honest on "You're alright." :shrug:

I know guys I'd definitely call cute and I could also be very attracted to them to the point that they're hot too.

Mig honey, stop over analyzing. If he was trying to duck out and called you cute as a cop-out. Screw him. :yay:

Damn my timing :banghead:


aka Mrs. Giant
dems4me said:
I know the feeling... I get called cute alot and it makes me feel like I'm either 12 or a puppy then I've had other folks say I'm very lovable :ohwell: I'm not sure which is a more ego-deflating compliment - cute or very lovable. :ohwell: Some how not the vibe I was fishn for.
:huggy: Well, let's go be cute together. I need an :otter:


I don't think cute is an insult, if I thought someone was a pooch, I wouldn't call them cute to be nice. :shrug: