Dallas Game


Methodically disorganized
Humiliation is a bonus!
Geesh, the Boys may just crawl in their hole and not come back out until August.

Not that I'd complain, mind you. And to the Boys' glowing fairytale ending, we say... buh-bye. :howdy:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
All things considered, 5 weeks ago, we wanted Vikes/Saints anyway, both teams playing their best.

That's what we got! :buddies:


They're out to get us
Might as well be century.:lmao:

Skins have two under Snyder, 99 and 05.

I think the Cowboys success was due in large part to Jimmy Johnson and his football smarts than Jerry's GMship. As soon as Jimmy and his talent left so did the championships.

I think of Jerry as one of the worst GM's, especially as of late.

i agree that JJ was awesome, but those Cowboy rosters were absolutely stacked.


Football addict
i agree that JJ was awesome, but those Cowboy rosters were absolutely stacked.
Was that more Jimmy or Jerry? Jimmy had stacked teams in college then brought that to the next level. He was canned because Jerry wanted to run his team again (much like Shanahan). Shortly thereafter Dallas begins their drought.

Jerry has undoubtedly found talent but has also found more busts than not.
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