Again, not trying to meet anyone online.
maybe u would have better luck meeting people, if you got off the comp, and went out to meet people instead
You are just a name on a forum site to me, nothing more, so why would I waste any energy at all to try to be charming or appealing to a forum?
but u sure as hell wanna make sure everyone knows how "smart and charming and attractive" you are, which honestly I cant see.
And you are the one with nothing betterto do than try and belittle a stranger online.
hello? wtf are u doing???
I know who I am, and I know I am a decent person. How the world sees me online is of no consequence or interest to me.
You are just pissed cause you take too much stock in your online life and suddenly someone is encroaching on it. I guess I should apologize for making you feel inadequate to the point where you debase yourself to trying to hurt someones feelings with an online forum.
u have no idea who she is, she is so smart and so beautiful and such an amazing person!
And don't flatter yourself, like I've been told, numerous times now from multiple sources, nobody on this site is worth getting to know, apparently. Was just utilizing it to ask a question about the area in general.