Dating a coworker


These days, "they' say most relationships start between co-workers. The interesting thing is, "they" don't say how those relationships end. :confused:


wandering aimlessly
cattitude said:
You don't get your meat where your bread is buttered.
That's exactly how I feel. Plus if things go wrong, work gets icky. Everyone is saying I'm way too strict on my rules and everyone meets at work nowadays.
The guy my work friends are shoving at me is on another program - so no daily interaction. Still it seems too close for comfort.
That's how me and DH started out. Actually, when we starting dating, we worked for the same place, but we were stationed in different locations. After we had been dating several months, he was moved to my building - as my boss! I was lucky enough to transfer to another building after that.

Now here we are married.


Salt Life
I don't see an issue with it. If the relationship goes bad, why be petty about it? Odd, maybe. Though, I think it would be immature if you couldn't get along, simply because you shared a bed before.


bresamil said:
That's exactly how I feel. Plus if things go wrong, work gets icky. Everyone is saying I'm way too strict on my rules and everyone meets at work nowadays.
The guy my work friends are shoving at me is on another program - so no daily interaction. Still it seems too close for comfort.
Interesting question.

I think it goes to the character of the people involved. Are they sane grown adults and act as such? If it did not work out would they just smile and go on or are they petty and juvenile and will spread smack, act like a fool, shiatty emails, phone calls at work?

I have seen co workers date no problems. If it didn't work they just shrug, smile and move on. I have also seen it be ugly when one of the pair feels compelled to talk shiat and harass the other party endlessly.


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
I don't see an issue with it. If the relationship goes bad, why be petty about it? Odd, maybe. Though, I think it would be immature if you couldn't get along, simply because you shared a bed before.

Because people are human and you can't predict how they will act. I am sure we all have found that out.


Salt Life
morganj614 said:
Because people are human and you can't predict how they will act. I am sure we all have found that out.
Anyone can act like a psycho at anytime. Working together has nothing to do with it. :lol:


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
Anyone can act like a psycho at anytime. Working together has nothing to do with it. :lol:
True, but if you work together and the person turns out psycho on top of that, then you have a bigger mess.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
When I was in high school, my boyfriend and I worked at McDonald's together. He used to come out from the grill area brandishing his spatula whenever he thought someone was flirting with me, which was fairly often since I was hotter than the hot side of a McDLT. :yay:


Salt Life
morganj614 said:
True, but if you work together and the person turns out psycho on top of that, then you have a bigger mess.
I'm a firm believer that people demonstrate unfavorable characteristics early on in a relationship. You either stay with the person and hope they change, or get out, fast! Not my fault if you date a skitzo and didn't notice the warning signs. :lol: