Dating a coworker


New Member
Chasey_Lane said:
I'm a firm believer that people demonstrate unfavorable characteristics early on in a relationship. You either stay with the person and hope they change, or get out, fast! Not my fault if you date a skitzo and didn't notice the warning signs. :lol:

I guess you live in Chasey's World :lol: You cannot lump together all people into what they will do in certain situations.

New Member
sushisamba said:
These days, "they' say most relationships start between co-workers. The interesting thing is, "they" don't say how those relationships end. :confused:
My guy and I work together, been friends and then best friends and now he is moving in with me. We have known each other for about 14 yrs, though, so maybe we are a special case. And we have had our share of ups and downs, just made a couple of rules in the beginning and stuck to, I love him!!!


Repete said:
My guy and I work together, been friends and then best friends and now he is moving in with me. We have known each other for about 14 yrs, though, so maybe we are a special case. And we have had our share of ups and downs, just made a couple of rules in the beginning and stuck to, I love him!!!
What kind of rules?


Salt Life
morganj614 said:
You cannot lump together all people into what they will do in certain situations.
That's not what I'm saying. Take for example the "control freak." This person will call you 50 times a day, drive by your house when you don't answer, and question every person that you glance at.

The "abuser" will manipulate you and your choices of friends. They will make you feel guilty about going out w/out them. If you don't answer the phone, they get angry, then apologize.

Then again, you can be in a perfectly good relationship, and one day the individual gets fed up and all hell breaks loose. :lol:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
are there any pros? I really see only cons.
I was watching a show the other night and a guy was talking to a (female) coworker about another, wondering if she thought the other would be interested in going out with him...

She told him that that was just plain lazy! :killingme That he wasn't even going to adventure out of his routine to ask someone out or to seek someone out to date, basically. He just picked someone at work! :lmao:

New Member
Pete said:
What kind of rules?

Number 1 is no arguing - either f2f or thru e-mail. Number 2 is be discreet. Probably 80% of the people we work with, don't know if we are just good friends or lovers....


wandering aimlessly
Toxick said:
I did it once.

I dont' remember anything positive about the experience.

I think it would end up icky. Not because of the behavior of either party as much as everyone else in the company "monitoring" the relationship.

Therefore, as much as I appreciate my company's recent change of policy to actually allow attractive men to work for them, I believe I will decline anything other than friendship from the workplace.


24/7 Single Dad
I dated a girl at work. Broke up with her and started dating somebody else at work. When they got together, it was "entertaining" :lol:


Well-Known Member
bresamil said:
as much as I appreciate my company's recent change of policy to actually allow attractive men to work for them, .

How very progressive of your company :yay:


New Member
bresamil said:
I think it would end up icky. Not because of the behavior of either party as much as everyone else in the company "monitoring" the relationship.

Therefore, as much as I appreciate my company's recent change of policy to actually allow attractive men to work for them, I believe I will decline anything other than friendship from the workplace.

I need to come over there since all my company will hire is 90 year old dried up prune men. :bawl:
bresamil said:
I think it would end up icky. Not because of the behavior of either party as much as everyone else in the company "monitoring" the relationship.

Therefore, as much as I appreciate my company's recent change of policy to actually allow attractive men to work for them, I believe I will decline anything other than friendship from the workplace.
Aaaaaaa... but you can become "buddies" with said co-worker and have him introduce you to a few of his eligible hottie friends...:cheers:


New Member
jwwb2000 said:
I bet they even have teef :jet:

And that dried up prune was only, or said he was only 5 years older than me. I don't mind 7-10 years on either side of my age but I lean toward the younger side..:lol: Still, no eye candy over here :bawl: