dating while married, without planning a

Plan B

New Member
If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:


off the shelf
If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:

It's still adultery and if you have any respect for you, your wife, your kids and the "other woman", get out of your marriage before you hurt everyone involved.


Nice lady!
If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:

Does the wife also get an occasional romantic evening out?


We have not discussed it.
Nor have I discussed it with potential kindred spirits.
BTW, sex isnt the only goal. But...

My opinion is that it will only bring problems. I don't understand staying together to raise the kids. Most kids are smart and will know that you and your wife are not happy together. Are you going to move into your own bedroom? What if you want to start a relatiionship? The other woman may not want to wait a couple years for you to get a divorce. What if your relationship resparks with your wife? Gonna feel guilty knowing you had sex with another woman. I just think when the day comes when you know you can have another intimate relationship with another woman then its time to move on. Why waste your life with someone that you know you cant be happy with? Divorce is hard on the kids but so is living with parents that do not get along.


If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone
Thanks in advance.:elaine:

Perhaps you both should redirect your energy toward fixing the problem. There are MANY ways to accomplish this. My wife and I are proof of it. Once we learned how to clear the BS out of OUR lives, pay attention to each other's needs and become attractive to each other once again, our relationship is now better then when we met.....minus the fairytale google eye crap you think you want to recapture.

Once you cross the line with another.... it is so very hard to step back.

Besides.. my kids tell me they are blown away by our new relationship and have observed first hand that trying to "learn" how to be married is necessary as it is not taught anywhere but in one's home.

Hit me up if you need some tips.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I, personally, would never do it because one man is enough and I certainly don't want to deal with more than that. :faint:

But if the husband and wife agree that's the way it's going to be, eh - who cares? It's their business.

BUT if you're talking about cheating on your wife without her knowledge, then you are a jerk and don't deserve her anyway.


If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:

An occasional romantic evening means that there is some kind of a spark there even if it's a small pathetic spark... and if there's a spark - even a small one - it can be fanned back into a nice blaze with a bit of effort.

The hypothetical couple should work on doing that.


In My Opinion
If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:
hmmmm, I have this vision of pan lady II standing over a limp and bleeding figure that is laying on the floor,,,,,,

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If it...

If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:

...violates your marriage vows it ought to be a big deal. To have, to hold, forsaking all others, etc, etc. If the only issue is 'the thrill' and you have no clause in your marriage specifying a 'thrill' exemption then you're SOL in my book.


New Member
One year ago I would have agreed that whatever the couple agreed to it was their business. Now I can say -Stop being selfish. The kids come first. And divorce is not right for them. Raise the kids first. If you sneak around while married it will end up hurting the kids. Suck it up – stop thinking of what could be. Make the best of what you have and raise your kids. Also like the other posts you could spend time repairing your marriage. :smoochy:


New Member
If a man is married but unfulfilled, and his spouse agrees the thrill is gone but we must get the kids raised, is an occasional romantic evening any big deal?
Thanks in advance.:elaine:

Is your staying together for the kids strictly a financial/insurance issue? Maybe you want out and the "raising the kids" thing is because you are afraid of the financial ramifications. Do you already have someone in mind for this plan? The only thing that bothers me is that the wife doesn't seem to be aware of your new plan. This could hurt and devastate her. Are you prepeared to do that? Some women will take you back-many won't. In any case it will never be the same. Be absolutely sure and start a little dialogue with the wife. Maybe counseling. Something more than just cheating before you possibly crash and burn!