dating your roommate


Well-Known Member
rack'm said:
:nono: We were never room mates .........
Well, the friend I was referring to was never my roomate. But, that's not the point here. It is all about friendship. Once that line is cross you can never go back.


New Member
Redskinsmama said:
been friends for years, lived together for a while now, moving to the next stage...very apprehensive b/c he's a good friend of mine, but he's wonderful!
When did you start farting in front of each other?


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
Well, the friend I was referring to was never my roomate. But, that's not the point here. It is all about friendship. Once that line is cross you can never go back.
Let's be honest; the only reason men are friends with women is the hope of getting laid.
jetmonkey said:
Let's be honest; the only reason men are friends with women is the hope of getting laid.
Wait a minute... what about their interest in hearing advice from a woman's perspective regarding issues they may be having in life...:confused:


sockgirl77 said:
I remeber now. You would not let me. You thought my blue and green argyles were a turn off.

Shoulda left the boots on. :banghead:

:killingme Maybe if I was slamming Wild Turkey like someone else I would have.