dating your roommate



Redskinsmama said:
thoughts please
Been there and done that! The situation may get serious very quickly but.... Who better to fall in love with than somone who knows you inside and out? :huggy:


aka Mrs. Giant
Never Shiyat where you Sleep. Saying holds true in this case. Same for co-workers. Very bad idea.


mv = margaritaville
migtig said:
Never Shiyat where you Sleep. Saying holds true in this case. Same for co-workers. Very bad idea.
I dated a co-worker once. It wasn't that horrible we both just had to understand and be adults that if things didn't work out, we still had to be big kids. And understand we were going to still see each other.

We still talk all the time, no hard feelings. Things just didn't work out


Redskinsmama said:
been friends for years, lived together for a while now, moving to the next stage...very apprehensive b/c he's a good friend of mine, but he's wonderful!
My brother dated his roomate. They've been married for almost 20 years now. :lol:


pretty black roses
Go for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Oh....the co-worker thing.....I still talk, rather email, to a guy I dated to this day. We actually laugh about all the crazy crap we used to do. It's a good thing he doesn't live around here :lmao:


New Member
wow, i didn't expect so many responses! thanks for all the feedback! Well there has been no bangbang yet, but i can see that time is steady approaching. The thing is though, we were like a married couple before any of this came to light anyway. We do everything together but have sex. I feel like if we go there, it's going to be like we're married. it's just a violent shove into coupledom. i think that's what is freaking me out the most.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Redskinsmama said:
wow, i didn't expect so many responses! thanks for all the feedback! Well there has been no bangbang yet, but i can see that time is steady approaching. The thing is though, we were like a married couple before any of this came to light anyway. We do everything together but have sex. I feel like if we go there, it's going to be like we're married. it's just a violent shove into coupledom. i think that's what is freaking me out the most.

Umm, it doesn't have to be violent. :flowers:


Redskinsmama said:
wow, i didn't expect so many responses! thanks for all the feedback! Well there has been no bangbang yet, but i can see that time is steady approaching. The thing is though, we were like a married couple before any of this came to light anyway. We do everything together but have sex. I feel like if we go there, it's going to be like we're married. it's just a violent shove into coupledom. i think that's what is freaking me out the most.

I dont' think you should date unless one of you is prepared to move out at a drop of a hat. At any given minute one person in the relationship can want out of the relationship, then the other feels jilted, then living together makes it a complicated war zone and hard for either one to move on with their lives. If he dumps you and starts getting female friends calling, spending the night, and you feel jilted, it will make for lots of arguments and further hurt on your heart, then he will either have to go or you will have to go.

Although good breaksup happen, it usually takes some time to get to that point. In the meantime you are stuck in an emotional mess watching him run around bangbang anyone else that lets him. Or you are stuck breaking his heart and running around. Its not often breakups are easy without someone still being attached and living with the person during this process makes things very difficult. Hope that made some sense - Good luck to ya! :flowers:


Well-Known Member
Go for it.

Worst outcome: It doesn't work out and someone has to find a new place.

Best outcome: You find true love and live happily ever after.


Finishing last
Dems pretty much summed it up. If you both can't afford to move somewhere else in the event of a problem wait. However, if it's meant to be it will happen regardless of what you plan. Good luck.


curiouser and curiouser
It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. :cheers:

As long as you have a backup plan if it doesn't work out, why not? You're both adults, do what you want. :shrug: You can either live your life never knowing, or test the waters and see what happens.

Novus Collectus

New Member
Redskinsmama said:
thoughts please
It works out and you may have a lifelong love.
It doesn't work out they may be enough of a friend that it ends on an understanding note and you remain friends.
It doesn't work out and it gets awkward or bad, then you can always move. After all, it won't be all that much of a biggy because it would have meant they were not the good friend you thought they were anyway if that happens.

I think the possible rewards far outweigh the negatives. I say date your roomate.


Novus Collectus said:
It works out and you may have a lifelong love.
It doesn't work out they may be enough of a friend that it ends on an understanding note and you remain friends.
It doesn't work out and it gets awkward or bad, then you can always move. After all, it won't be all that much of a biggy because it would have meant they were not the good friend you thought they were anyway if that happens.

I think the possible rewards far outweigh the negatives. I say date your roomate.



New Member
If you feel that it will work, go for it. But realize that if something goes wrong, nothing may ever be the way it was before. Then, that may cause problems for your future relationships.


New Member
i appreciate all the advice. I am going for it and hope that all works out for the best. i figure if it doesn't work out, i can just move. fingers crossed!


Redskinsmama said:
i appreciate all the advice. I am going for it and hope that all works out for the best. i figure if it doesn't work out, i can just move. fingers crossed!
So you are going to let him hit it tonight? :pete: