Daughter's Boyfriend

yakky doodle

New Member
yep; the whole "thrill of getting caught."

it's tough, as we get older, to not lose touch with our youth as we progress into elderlyhood. :frown:


Not too talkative
Originally posted by justhangn
:howdy: Ah guys........me and the she did all kinds of things AT THE GRANDPARENTS HOUSE when we were only supposed to see eachother there. :really:

The point I was trying to make though, was that the idiot would probably tell Dems daughter that he doesn't want to spend his free time helping her study and that she could call him when her grades improve and then he might see her again.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Long Story

Originally posted by justhangn
You can't possibly think that your children do as you say when you are not there
Of course they don't - they're kids. But at some point you have to set down expectations and stick with them. Certainly we realize that the kids will smoke, drink, have sex, etc. But that doesn't mean we should either condone it or just throw up our hands and give up.

I remember my own teen years like they were yesterday. I grew up in a very unstructured environment with no parental supervision or guidance. I didn't get busted breaking the rules because #1, there were very few rules, and #2, my Mom was too busy with her own life to spend a lot of time worrying about mine. She let me have boyfriends over to spend the night when I was in high school. She let me stay out until all hours. She didn't know who my friends were. She let me date a 28 year old guy when I was 17.

At the time I thought it was cool but, as an adult, I have a lot of resentment toward my mother because she didn't care enough to parent me. I was always secretly jealous of the kids whose parents gave them a curfew and genuinely cared about their well-being.

My first husband came from one of those Ozzy and Harriet families, where they all sat down to dinner together, you were required to show your parents respect and they waited up for you when you went on a date. I was so drawn to that because the parents seemed to really CARE what their kids were doing, unlike what I was getting at home.

My ex's folks warned him off me a zillion times and were very clear that I wasn't what they had in mind for their son. But it was through exposure to them and their values that I grew up and started making better choices for myself. They had EXPECTATIONS of me and they had STANDARDS. And I wanted more than to be "wrong side of the tracks girl" to them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The Short Story

When your daughter grows up, she's going to remember that her father didn't care enough to run off guys who were disrespectful of her. He didn't care enough to try and protect her and cherish her, and teach her to cherish herself. And DEMAND that any boy that comes calling cherish her as well.

Larry tells our daughters, "My girls are precious gems and my gift to the world. Any boy who comes around will damn well appreciate that gift."


Re: The Long Story

Originally posted by vraiblonde
At the time I thought it was cool but, as an adult, I have a lot of resentment toward my mother because she didn't care enough to parent me.

Are we sisters :confused: All of this talk about the kids resenting Dems and sneaking around anyway is just a bunch of excuses. These ideas make it easy not to challenge teens. If we all walk around and assume we have absolutely no control over our children well then, we don't have to do jack! What a complete and total diservice to your children!


Re: The Long Story

Originally posted by vraiblonde
My first husband came from one of those Ozzy and Harriet families, where they all sat down to dinner together, you were required to show your parents respect and they waited up for you when you went on a date. I was so drawn to that because the parents seemed to really CARE what their kids were doing, unlike what I was getting at home.

My ex's folks warned him off me a zillion times and were very clear that I wasn't what they had in mind for their son. But it was through exposure to them and their values that I grew up and started making better choices for myself. They had EXPECTATIONS of me and they had STANDARDS. And I wanted more than to be "wrong side of the tracks girl" to them.

I totally agree, kids thrive for guidance from their parents and will do anything they can to get it, even if the attention is negative.

What I was saying Vrai is that if you flat out tell you kid, “you won’t do this” they will do it just to spite you and see how far they can push their boundaries.

I’m not defending the dirtbag here, he needs to get the jack slapped out of him!


Be about it
Originally posted by Makavide
I still have a few years to go before I have this worry so hopefully I will get some good advice now from you all on this.

But my thoughts are since your daughters grades are falling I would use that as a "weapon". Talk to them both at the same time, explain that since her grades are falling there will be some restrictions on them seeing each other. Let them know that the daughter is not allowed to go out (much) until the grades improve, but that if they really want to see each other, the b/f is welcomed into the house to help her study (and must improve on his showing respect) in the living room only. If the guy really wants to see your daughter he will help her study and get the grades improved, but if that is too much of a hassle for him he won't help and your daughter will realilze what kind of a guy he really is.

I don't think that's a 1/2-bad idea...assuming he can stand to be in the same room with the little sh*t who told him to f-off!! LOL!


New Member
Thank you so much for this advice...I think that I am gonna have to put my foot down and end it. I don't want my baby's future to be messed up because of one indiscretion. She may hate me now but we all hate our parents when we are teens. Later we understand that they really were doing the good stuff for us.

yakky doodle

New Member
:clap: Dems ... if you and the missus raised her right, when she gets past it and realizes that he was the loser you said he was, she'll thank you for it. You may never hear her speak it, but she'll think it. :wink:


New Member
After Casey came in after track pratice my mother and I had a good sit-down talk with her. My main problem with her was that she was dating a complete loser that was far too the extremes of social convention, but my wife had a problem with their lack of communication about things. But anyway, we had a good discussion and Casey blew up a couple of times and said that she would she that buttface despite what I said. But we got into it and we basically psycho-analyzed why she did her actions...Her mom was especially good at this since she knew EVERYTHING about her life. At the end, all of us were crying and did a great group hug:smile:
I am so glad that this crisis has been resolved for it threatened to tear this family apart.


New Member
Originally posted by demsformd
After Casey came in after track pratice my mother and I had a good sit-down talk with her.
I mistyped here. I meant to type her mother a.k.a. my wife. Sorry for the confusion.


Be about it
Originally posted by demsformd
At the end, all of us were crying and did a great group hug:smile:

Dems, that's great!!! I'm really glad that you all had a talk and got everything out into the open!! What was the verdict on her seeing him anymore...is she going to?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Great job Dems! I know that was hard!
Talking to your kids isn't so hard - what's hard is either not knowing what's going on or watching them make horrendous mistakes.

I've come to the conclusion that if your teens don't hate you at some point and think you're a Nazi, you're probably not doing it right.

Good for you, Dems! :clap: