

New Member
I live in La plata and was wondering if anyone new any good daycare centers or home daycare places I could take my 7 year old this summer? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


mandylee said:
I live in La plata and was wondering if anyone new any good daycare centers or home daycare places I could take my 7 year old this summer? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Goddard Preschool. They have branches all over and are very reputable.


New Member
KATIE CARE ON RT. 6 between bel alton & dentsville

AWESOME with kids not sure if she has openings, im sure everyone is starting to LQQK early for summer daycare

if you need the number pm me i will give it to you
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mandylee said:
I live in La plata and was wondering if anyone new any good daycare centers or home daycare places I could take my 7 year old this summer? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
You want LaPlata or some other area? What areas are you looking in for care?


Speaking of preschool

I just found out my 4 y.o. is not elegible for Pre-K

Cause she's not economically disadvantaged.

WTF is THAT all about? I didn't know that poor kids were more entitled to an education than kids whose parents work for a living.

I am seriously PO'ed about this.
Tell me about it. In order for my youngest son to get into Pre-K, I would have needed to be an alcoholic, drug using, dyslexic wife beater. He is already reading on his own with certain words. He has the "Letter Factory" game and a couple DVDs, and he loves them. He is constantly taking the letter cards from the game and spelling words.

I doubt my daughter will be able to get in either. She is trying to keep up with her older brother in the reading department.


Back in the saddle
huntr1 said:
Tell me about it. In order for my youngest son to get into Pre-K, I would have needed to be an alcoholic, drug using, dyslexic wife beater. He is already reading on his own with certain words. He has the "Letter Factory" game and a couple DVDs, and he loves them. He is constantly taking the letter cards from the game and spelling words.

I doubt my daughter will be able to get in either. She is trying to keep up with her older brother in the reading department.

I couldn't get my son into pre-K either. He is now is Second so that was 4 years ago. But one of the questions ask was if he had an older brother or sister already in school? Seems that if he did he was eligible, or if I was divorced, what my income was and if my son had a learning disability.
The age has changed for entry, it's you have to be 4 on or before Sept 1st for Pre K.


Toxick said:
I just found out my 4 y.o. is not elegible for Pre-K

Cause she's not economically disadvantaged.

WTF is THAT all about? I didn't know that poor kids were more entitled to an education than kids whose parents work for a living.

I am seriously PO'ed about this.
All private schools offer pre-K. If she's not economically disadvantaged, this is the obvious choice if you want to give her a leg up for when she goest to first grade. :shrug:


New Member
mandylee said:
I live in La plata and was wondering if anyone new any good daycare centers or home daycare places I could take my 7 year old this summer? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Little Angels Daycare Center. My daughter went there and they do all kinds of summer activities. I loved it.


sushisamba said:
If she's not economically disadvantaged, this is the obvious choice if you want to give her a leg up for when she goest to first grade.

I understand that - but that's not the point.

'Sides - just because my paycheck says that I'm upper/middle/whatever class that doesn't mean I have the cabbage to pay that kind of tuition. Especially for the same education that other people are getting for free.

MDTerps said:
But one of the questions ask was if he had an older brother or sister already in school? Seems that if he did he was eligible

Really... now that's interesting. Her older brother is in school. I'll have to look into that angle. Thanks for the tip!
Oldest boy got into Pre-K at Dent. We had his hearing tested when we lived in Frederick, after asking Dr. for a referral. He got 1 point for the referral, and 1 point for the test. That was enough to get him in.
Youngest son got 1 point for having a sibling that got into the Pre-K program. didn't get in. It's not having a sibling in school that helps, it's having a sibling that got into Pre-K that helps. But if that is the only thing in their favor, your kid ain't getting in.


Toxick said:
I understand that - but that's not the point.

'Sides - just because my paycheck says that I'm upper/middle/whatever class that doesn't mean I have the cabbage to pay that kind of tuition. Especially for the same education that other people are getting for free.

Really... now that's interesting. Her older brother is in school. I'll have to look into that angle. Thanks for the tip!
My boys didn't qualify for the pre K either and it was upsetting also, but it's understandable. They are not only based on "economic factors" but educational needs as well. If your kid passed the stack the block test , odds are they don't need the half day of eating paste. Pre-K is not even mandatory. It is offered to help the kids that really need a head start into Kindergarten. If they were to make it mandatory we'd be having people complaining about how their 2 year olds didn't make it into Pre Pre Pre K.
With full day kindergarden, I wanted my youngest to get into Pre-K to get his feet wet so to say for kindergarden. Ease the transition.


curiouser and curiouser
huntr1 said:
With full day kindergarden, I wanted my youngest to get into Pre-K to get his feet wet so to say for kindergarden. Ease the transition.
When I was little, I could read before starting kindergarten, and attended a full day kindergarten, with no pre-k beforehand. I didn't have any problems adjusting. Neither did my brother, who also had no prior pre-k experience. :yay:


Go Braves!
My kid passed the test, we were not in the $$$ guidelines but he still got in:yay: It depends on how overcrowded the school is, we were lucky our's isn't:yay:


New Member
huntr1 is right. I have a 6 Yo who was in the special ed program since he was 11 months old, attended all the special classes up till Kindergtn. #2 didn't get in, even after atttending the Sp. Ed. preschool program at age 3. It was only 1 year of private pre-K. He has enjoyed it and next year will join his brother at the same school/bus. It's not the end of the world. Think about it- do you really want your kid in with drug dealer kids and wife beater kids? yeah the money part of it and transportation part of it is annoying, don't sweat the small stuff.


Toxick said:
I understand that - but that's not the point.

'Sides - just because my paycheck says that I'm upper/middle/whatever class that doesn't mean I have the cabbage to pay that kind of tuition. Especially for the same education that other people are getting for free.

Priorities. I make many personal sacrifices so my kids can go to private school. When I compare their progress to public school kids their age, no comparison.