Daytona 500


Yeee hawww
I would love to see anybody win but freaking Jeff Gordan!!! :barf: I watched that whole dang race just to see him win! :burning:

My Rusty got lots of air time though!! :love:


Would THIS face lie?
Hello6 said:
I read through your tread and no one picked the Rainbow Warrior, but the resident retard was the first to comment on his win in this tread.

If you are referring to me, maybe you should not be such a tard yourself and read the thread....I said in the thread who I was rooting for....Maybe if your boy had of won, you could have made a comment too....Sorry loser....Jeff won, so get used to it
<a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='ROTFL' border=0></a>


Princess of Mean
If I were referring to you, I would've said Dumponster, cause you're full of shiat. Everyone knows the resident retard is Tigtard, unless you're bucking for the title. My boy? I wasn't aware my "boy" was driving NASCAR. I'll have to give Otto a stern talking to about his racing habits.
CowGirlUp said:
I would love to see anybody win but freaking Jeff Gordan!!! :barf: I watched that whole dang race just to see him win! :burning:

My Rusty got lots of air time though!! :love:
:lmao: I don't mind him and as much as people hate him he can drive a race car