Dealing with Anxiety


New Member
Not since I realized life is short and there is no reason I should spend it trying to please other people or worry about what they think.

When you're in the heat of the moment - you don't always think "Wow - life is too short for this!" For me, if you told me 2 years ago that I'd be happy being alone or even back at the dating scene I would never have believed you! It's so much different once the smoke dies down. . .


You had them frequently? and you were strong and they just went away?

No. It took me two years to recover, and deal with them......It's a long road, but you GOT to stay positive......Meds., counseling, and getting back into life, prayer(for me), all goes together to see the good in life and people.



No. It took me two years to recover, and deal with them......It's a long road, but you GOT to stay positive......Meds., counseling, and getting back into life, prayer(for me), all goes together to see the good in life and people.


They must have been some good drugs. :coffee:


art imitating life
When you're in the heat of the moment - you don't always think "Wow - life is too short for this!" For me, if you told me 2 years ago that I'd be happy being alone or even back at the dating scene I would never have believed you! It's so much different once the smoke dies down. . .

Im looking forward to that


New Member
From personal experience, a good psychologist won't recommend medication.

I've visited my fair share of Psychologists over the years and many of them have been very good. A good Psychologist will recommend a psychiatric referral for meds if the patient isn't responding to talk therapy or other techniques. A good psychologist will understand that there are physiological reasons why certain people suffer from anxiety/depression as well as other disorders. For some of us our issues weren't caused by life events, but by things outside our control, our emotional make up.

I struggled for years before I sought help in the form of medication. Medication has a place and is sometimes the only tool that works. A good psychologist will exhaust all avenues prior to encouraging psychotropic therapy. To say that a psychologist who eventually recommends treatment in the form of a pill is a bad psychologist is ridiculous. Their goal is to help people.
