Dear BG and Itsbob


I am so very blessed

Now the fun begins. The moon bounce is on it's way back to the rental place, the yard will shortly be getting a thorough pick-up of toy debris and candy wrappers, and the garage will be cleaned. I'll be trying to match up the rightful owners of the food containers, and contacting you to see about getting them back to each of you.

There's another party this afternoon, but thankfully, it's at someone else's house.

Nicholas had a rough night. The heat really got to him, and he puked a few times through evening. Yuck. After getting him to drink some Pedialyte, he's now finally asleep.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, and for helping to make the 3rd Annual B&T Memorial Weekend Party a success.

Nanny Pam

From my karma giver .....

What a Boring day... 05-26-2007 09:14 PM Where the hell were you today? I was all excited to meet you.

I started trying about a month ago to find a smoke free hotel room. No luck. I wanted to stay over night so I wouldn't have to make the Bay Bridge trip 2 X in 1 day. (I'm too old for that by myself.)
Hubby then said he'd go if he was off. Then someone called out for the whole weekend so he has to work.
I wanted to be there so freaking bad! I thought about you guys all day. I hope ya'll had a blast!!

Maybe some other time. :howdy:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
BadGirl said:

Now the fun begins. The moon bounce is on it's way back to the rental place, the yard will shortly be getting a thorough pick-up of toy debris and candy wrappers, and the garage will be cleaned. I'll be trying to match up the rightful owners of the food containers, and contacting you to see about getting them back to each of you.

There's another party this afternoon, but thankfully, it's at someone else's house.

Nicholas had a rough night. The heat really got to him, and he puked a few times through evening. Yuck. After getting him to drink some Pedialyte, he's now finally asleep.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, and for helping to make the 3rd Annual B&T Memorial Weekend Party a success.

The only thing I left there was a dark blue bowl that had fritos in it. Feel free to keep or toss.......


off the shelf
BadGirl said:
I'll be trying to match up the rightful owners of the food containers, and contacting you to see about getting them back to each of you.

I left Glad wear containers, which are now yours

:huggy: for bubba


I am so very blessed
FastCarsSpeed said:

We tried to say good-bye but you guys were a little busy with Bubba. Nice to meet all the new faces.

Pete hope boys foot is ok.

Wanted to Thank YOu for the help with the Dog Pound and you were gone!!

But thanks to everyone for their help, HUGE kudo's again to Doug, and his friend Caroline (I hope I have her name right).. whe kicked butt this morning cleaning up. I came back from returning the Dog Pound, and the yard was cleaned up, and the tent was in order.. Muchos Tortillas..



I bowl overhand
But we couldn't get anyone around the fire.. maybe it had to do with the 90 degree weather??

Hope everyone made it home safe...


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
BadGirl said:

Now the fun begins. The moon bounce is on it's way back to the rental place, the yard will shortly be getting a thorough pick-up of toy debris and candy wrappers, and the garage will be cleaned. I'll be trying to match up the rightful owners of the food containers, and contacting you to see about getting them back to each of you.

There's another party this afternoon, but thankfully, it's at someone else's house.

Nicholas had a rough night. The heat really got to him, and he puked a few times through evening. Yuck. After getting him to drink some Pedialyte, he's now finally asleep.

Thanks to everyone who showed up, and for helping to make the 3rd Annual B&T Memorial Weekend Party a success.
vBulletin Message
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BadGirl again.

Thanks for having us! Hope Bubba feels much better! :love:


Set Trippin
As always, wonderful hosts... Thank you for opening your home..:smile:

We won't even talk about the lumpia....:rolleyes:


I bowl overhand
We should have planned a lunch today..

We pulled the rest of the pork (6 butts) off of the smoker this morning and it is FABULOUS.. melt in your mouth good.


itsbob said:
We should have planned a lunch today..

We pulled the rest of the pork (6 butts) off of the smoker this morning and it is FABULOUS.. melt in your mouth good.

I am hungry right now :popcorn: