Dear Single Men...


art imitating life
Actually, I'm very conscious of that. I'll look, smile to myself, if eye contact is made, I smile at them, maybe say Hi, then make sure I turn away so as not to "invade their privacy". BUT, on the other hand, doing that makes them think you have no interest, which is not always the case. But you never know how the individual will react. Some enjoy the attention, others would rather poke your eye out!

I think you are very smart :buddies:


Well-Known Member
Surely, I'm not the only one that's ever picked up a fellow driver while driving?

doubt it....I know I've done the drive and flirt thing...but I don't think I ever bothered to actually try and get a number...seemed like to much work :shrug: It was more of a thing where you do the flirting now and then if you see them in the future, great, if didn't lose anything :lol:


Free to Fly
I'm probably too friendly. I tend to smile and say hello to anybody who approaches me or whom I approach in a store. I'm big on the excuse me & thank you's and all that. People probably wonder what the heck is wrong with me now that I think about it!
Reminds me of a time long long ago in a place far far away.....

I was maybe 18, sitting at a red traffic light. There was a cute girl waiting to turn right. I looked, smiled, nothing obnoxious. Her light turned green. She made a right and came right past me. As she passed, she made a horrid face and stuck her tongue out at me !!!! I was absolutely surprised !! I know I wasn't the best looking guy around, but GEE WHIZ!!!!! Hmmmm, maybe that's why I shy away to this day...


I'm probably too friendly. I tend to smile and say hello to anybody who approaches me or whom I approach in a store. I'm big on the excuse me & thank you's and all that. People probably wonder what the heck is wrong with me now that I think about it!

You're a sweety..:huggy:


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of a time long long ago in a place far far away.....

I was maybe 18, sitting at a red traffic light. There was a cute girl waiting to turn right. I looked, smiled, nothing obnoxious. Her light turned green. She made a right and came right past me. As she passed, she made a horrid face and stuck her tongue out at me !!!! I was absolutely surprised !! I know I wasn't the best looking guy around, but GEE WHIZ!!!!! Hmmmm, maybe that's why I shy away to this day...

:shrug: she was probably a snob and didn't know what other reaction to make :lol: don't let the biatches ruin your self-confidence :yay:


Finishing last
I once had a cute do what I thought was a "flirt" at a stop light. When I took a closer look it turned out it was my niece!!! Oh the humiliation!!!!!!!


New Member
If you are out in public (like in a grocery store or something), and you see a good looking girl, it is not a good idea to stare at her soooo much that you creep her the hell out. Quit staring and go say something instead of making her think you are a mentally unstable stalker-type. :yay: Or, even better, if she gives you the evil eye, QUIT looking at her.

Not until you stop going to the Piggly Wiggly in your bathing suit.


off the shelf
If you are out in public (like in a grocery store or something), and you see a good looking girl, it is not a good idea to stare at her soooo much that you creep her the hell out. Quit staring and go say something instead of making her think you are a mentally unstable stalker-type. :yay: Or, even better, if she gives you the evil eye, QUIT looking at her. If you are staring at Zee 14 yr old daughter sitting in the passenger seat of the for warned that Zee might be little, but she can and will kick your a$$ if you stare to long!


Pervert in a white work van almost found this one out the other day