Yet another idealist heard from. Yippee!
Let's look at nuclear proliferation for a moment. We have spent many millions of dollars into slowing down nuclear proliferation, and where has it gotten us? No where. And why not? Because 90% of the money has been wasted. The Russians commit to destroying arms if we pay them, so we send them the cash. The money gets spent on roads, studies, commissions, and into a lot of pockets. So they come back and say "we need more money" and where does that money go? Now it's spent on building their military back up, civic improvements, and into pockets again. Now they need more money! We've already paid out their requests to dismantle and maintain control over their arms twice and what do we have to show for it? A bill for more money that's what. So, Kerry is going to "take charge" and get these weapons under control. How? Sending more money to Russia? There's only one way to get that job done and that's for the US to go in, dismantle the weapons, and provide the security. And there's no way the Russians will ever let that happen. Like North Korea, they know they can raise the spectre of nuclear weapons and the US and other countries will send money to their door... that was until GWB came along and had the audacity to require progress for the money.
Speaking of nuclear proliferation, do you know which country has been trying longer and harder than any other to gain nuclear technology and weapons? It isn't North Korea or Iran... it's Canada!
The WMD claim was not a lie or a fake, but a legitimate concern for the US. I'll agree with anyone who says that it shouldn't have been used as the big reason to invade Iraq... especially when Hussein had been planning for years to take over the Middle East - that was the real threat to the US.
With few exceptions, we all live in a Global economy now, which means we rely heavily on many other countries to meet our needs. Which means that we are at the mercy, a little or a lot, of other countries just as they are at the mercy of other countries. If France gets ticked at us and cuts off the supply of wine to the US, it's no major concern. If Saudi Arabia gets mad and cuts of our oil, it's a hinderence as we only get about 25% from them and we can make that up elsewhere. If France, who gets 85% of their oil from the Middle East gets cut off, they're in deep do-do. If Japan who gets 90% gets cut off, it's even worse. It served the best interests of France, Germany, and Russia to let Hussein go about terrorizing his people and his neighbors because they needed every Iraqi buck they could get. In short, they sold out their moral credibility for short term profit. Are these the people you want as Allies? Are these the kind of people you want having a voice in your security? You better rethink drinking that Kerry kool-aid.
Let's look at nuclear proliferation for a moment. We have spent many millions of dollars into slowing down nuclear proliferation, and where has it gotten us? No where. And why not? Because 90% of the money has been wasted. The Russians commit to destroying arms if we pay them, so we send them the cash. The money gets spent on roads, studies, commissions, and into a lot of pockets. So they come back and say "we need more money" and where does that money go? Now it's spent on building their military back up, civic improvements, and into pockets again. Now they need more money! We've already paid out their requests to dismantle and maintain control over their arms twice and what do we have to show for it? A bill for more money that's what. So, Kerry is going to "take charge" and get these weapons under control. How? Sending more money to Russia? There's only one way to get that job done and that's for the US to go in, dismantle the weapons, and provide the security. And there's no way the Russians will ever let that happen. Like North Korea, they know they can raise the spectre of nuclear weapons and the US and other countries will send money to their door... that was until GWB came along and had the audacity to require progress for the money.
Speaking of nuclear proliferation, do you know which country has been trying longer and harder than any other to gain nuclear technology and weapons? It isn't North Korea or Iran... it's Canada!
The WMD claim was not a lie or a fake, but a legitimate concern for the US. I'll agree with anyone who says that it shouldn't have been used as the big reason to invade Iraq... especially when Hussein had been planning for years to take over the Middle East - that was the real threat to the US.
With few exceptions, we all live in a Global economy now, which means we rely heavily on many other countries to meet our needs. Which means that we are at the mercy, a little or a lot, of other countries just as they are at the mercy of other countries. If France gets ticked at us and cuts off the supply of wine to the US, it's no major concern. If Saudi Arabia gets mad and cuts of our oil, it's a hinderence as we only get about 25% from them and we can make that up elsewhere. If France, who gets 85% of their oil from the Middle East gets cut off, they're in deep do-do. If Japan who gets 90% gets cut off, it's even worse. It served the best interests of France, Germany, and Russia to let Hussein go about terrorizing his people and his neighbors because they needed every Iraqi buck they could get. In short, they sold out their moral credibility for short term profit. Are these the people you want as Allies? Are these the kind of people you want having a voice in your security? You better rethink drinking that Kerry kool-aid.