

Well-Known Member
smc33 said:
Wow... Apologize? Are you kidding me? Somehow Americans now, in our time, are frowned upon when they criticize the incumbant. Somehow, over the last 4 years, it has become un-American to disagree with the president and his policies. Why not just hold up a sign saying "no democrats allowed." Saddam would most likely approve of your consequential lingo about my vote (one candidate elections). You should just throw me in Gitmo alongside the other criminals. Then you should apologize for not bringing a legitimate rebuttal to my post. Maybe prompting me to apologize is a front to hide your ignorance.

Did you just come in on the middle of all this? Did you bother to read what I wrote? I neither wrote nor even remotely implied any of what you posted. What I wrote DID go over your head.

You made the argument - and I quoted it - that Bush needs to 'admit he was wrong', and that he still hadn't done this. And I thought I made it so crystal clear that every fool in the universe would see, people don't admit they are wrong when they ARE NOT WRONG.

The argument to ask *YOU* to admit you're wrong and to apologize is the *same* argument made against Bush - that he admit he's wrong or apologize over something he is NOT wrong about, and needs not apologize. You *don't* need to apologize, just as Bush does NOT need to admit he's wrong. Because he isn't.

Now you didn't say what I'm about to cover, but it's the same line of reasoning - I've heard too many claim that Bush lies when he says something they disagree with. Recently Terry McAulifee was calling Bush a liar because he said he cares about the elderly. He said he does not because of some policy blah blah blah. Well, that doesn't prove anything - that's a disagreement over the efficacy of *policy*, not *TRUTH*.

That kind of reasoning is playground logic - "Johnny lied when he said the Ravens were better than the Redskins - anh-ahhhhh! They are sooooo not!". A lie is a *deliberate* misrepresentation of fact, not a disagreement of opinion.

I really wish SOME politician would come out and tell the world - "All this stuff - it's theatrics. It's drama and soap opera, and has nothing to do with being a President or Senator. Our job is pushing papers and reading reports and casting votes. Campaigns have nothing to do with reality". But they won't.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
And I thought I made it so crystal clear that every fool in the universe would see, people don't admit they are wrong when they ARE NOT WRONG.
You did make it crystal clear. But apparently some people are just bigger fools than others. :lol:

Somehow Americans now, in our time, are frowned upon when they criticize the incumbant. Somehow, over the last 4 years, it has become un-American to disagree with the president and his policies. Why not just hold up a sign saying "no democrats allowed." Saddam would most likely approve of your consequential lingo about my vote (one candidate elections).
I actually laughed out loud when I read that but the irony is probably lost on SMC33.



Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
The BIG turn off for me and should be for anyone who knows anything about history is what has become known as the "Kerry Doctrine" - the “pass a global test” prior to using our forces for our protection.

George Washington said this and it is still true.

"But if we are to be told by a foreign power...what we shall do, and what we shall not do, we have independence yet to seek, and have contended hitherto for very little." --George Washington, letter to Alexander Hamilton, May 8, 1796

No other country, world body, or person will have as much regard for the safety of the United States as the citizens (no - not the alien residents) of the United States. The President should not relinquish even the smallest portion of the sovereignty of the United States to any foreign interest.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
smc33 said:
Wow... Apologize? Are you kidding me? Somehow Americans now, in our time, are frowned upon when they criticize the incumbant. Somehow, over the last 4 years, it has become un-American to disagree with the president and his policies. Why not just hold up a sign saying "no democrats allowed." Saddam would most likely approve of your consequential lingo about my vote (one candidate elections). You should just throw me in Gitmo alongside the other criminals. Then you should apologize for not bringing a legitimate rebuttal to my post. Maybe prompting me to apologize is a front to hide your ignorance.

Man did you miss the point.