Deep State Corruption and Opposition


PREMO Member

Here's why dozens of lawsuits seeking to quash Trump's early actions as president are failing

That means the requests for injunctive relief are considered in a sort of two-part wave of proceedings, since most – if not all – Trump-era complaints include both the request for the TRO and for the preliminary injunction.

The TRO requests are the first wave of "mini-arguments" to come before U.S. judges tasked with reviewing the complaints.

They are heard immediately and require plaintiffs to prove they will suffer irreparable injury or harm if their request for relief is not granted— a difficult burden to satisfy, especially when the order or policy has not yet come into force.

(As one judge remarked earlier this month, the court cannot grant TRO requests based on speculation.)

The courts then order both parties to re-appear at a later date to consider the request for preliminary injunction, which allows both sides to present a fuller argument and for the court to take into account the harm or damages incurred.

"The bottom line is that courts typically do not grant requests for emergency relief at the start of a lawsuit," Suzanne Goldberg, a Lawfare contributor and professor at Columbia Law School, wrote in a recent op-ed.

"Instead, they wait to decide what remedies a plaintiff deserves, if any, until after each side makes its legal arguments and introduces its evidence, including evidence obtained from the other side through the discovery process."


PREMO Member



PREMO Member

Corrupt Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson Orders Hampton Dellinger’s Removal Was Unlawful, Enters Judgement Declaring Firing Illegal

On Saturday, Judge Jackson ordered Hampton Dellinger’s removal was unlawful and entered a judgement declaring his firing illegal.

DOJ counsel argued that President Trump, under Article II, can fire subordinates for no reason.

DOJ lawyers rightly argued that Judge Jackson has ZERO authority to reinstate Dellinger. The DOJ argued Judge Jackson’s order reinstating Dellinger infringes on a President’s power.

Judge Jackson remained defiant on Saturday and claimed Article II did not provide the executive to fire Dellinger, Margot Cleveland, senior legal correspondent for The Federalist, said.


U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson Rules the Bureaucracy Controls the Executive Branch, Not the President​

March 2, 2025 | Sundance | 200 Comments

Not unexpectedly, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson has ruled that unelected bureaucrat, Hampton Dellinger, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel head has more unilateral power within the executive branch of government than President Donald Trump. [RULING pdf HERE]

This ruling stems from the same mindset as former AG Bill Barr, former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy AG Sally Yates, former IC Inspector General Michael Atkinson, and the entire organization of professional Lawfare activists that includes Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann and Norm Eisen. The collective belief is that in the modern “continuity of government” framework, the bureaucracy of government controls things, not the elected and plenary President.

Basic constitutional civics has been destroyed in the modern era by progressive advocacy saying the executive branch is an omnipotent organism that is not controlled by the duly elected President of the United States. Current Lawfare activists and activist judges seek to retain this bastardized view of constitutional government.

Let us hope the Supreme Court finally puts an end to decades of this ridiculous nonsense. The earlier ruling in the Presidential Immunity decision indicates SCOTUS is positioned to do exactly that.


PREMO Member

JUST IN: The government employee who was involved in hanging the American flag upside down at Yosemite National Park to protest @DOGE and Trump, is a Democrat donor and has a long criminal record.



PREMO Member

Judge Amy Berman Jackson issued a quite predictable ruling last night that Hampton Delliger's position as head of the Office of Special Counsel is protected from removal by the language in the statue saying he can only be removed "for cause."

I say "predictable" because she had written a 27 page opinion in granting the TRO keeping him in place after he was fired by Pres. Trump that came to the same conclusion.

She largely relied on the 1935 Supreme Court decision in Humphrey's Executor v. United States, a case I've been writing for three weeks.


Anyone suggesting this is a disaster doesn't understand the legal process.

Humphrey's Executor is a badly decided case. It is 90 years old and it has been used by Congress through the decades to infringe on Article II powers of the Executive.

But, as a Supreme Court decision, it is binding on lower courts until the Supreme Court itself decides otherwise.

The Court took an interim step in that direction in 2020 in the case of Seila Law v. CFPB -- but it left Humphrey's Executor in place because it did not need to say Humphrey's Executor was bad law in order to decide Seila Law, so it did not.

That has been the way of the Roberts Court -- decide the case pending without doing more if that is possible.

It would probably over-rule Judge Jackson and affirm Dellinger's firing without overruling Humphrey's Executor -- it could do the same thing it did in Seila Law.

BUT, there is a second case that is not getting as much attention because it is trailing along in the wake of the Dellinger case.

The combination of the two cases together likely puts the Court on the path to finally overruling Humphrey's Executor.

Coming up later today on my Subway page.


PREMO Member

Leftist Judge Creates Full-Blown Constitutional Crisis — Soon To Be Cured By SCOTUS

Consider the scenario: Donald Trump calls Hampton Dellinger, telling him “I’m firing you again.” The president then directs other officials — not the named defendants — to process Dellinger’s termination papers, to prevent Dellinger’s access to federal property or his former office, and to disconnect Dellinger’s cell phone and computer access.

As Judge Berman Jackson recognized in her accompanying 67-page opinion, federal courts lack the power to enjoin the President of the United States. So, the Obama appointee could not — and thus did not — order Trump to recognize Dellinger as the special counsel, enjoin him from firing Dellinger again, or otherwise prohibit Trump from doing anything to obstruct or interfere in Dellinger’s performance of his duties. Instead, she entered that command against the five defendants in the case: Sergio Gor, the Director of the White House Presidential Personnel Office; Karen Gorman, the Principal Deputy Special Counsel; Karl Kammann, the Chief Operating Officer of the Office of Special Counsel; and Russell Vought, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

The court’s injunction, by both its terms and general legal principles, binds only those five named defendants. Accordingly, Trump could easily sidestep them to out Dellinger as the special counsel.

Trump won’t do that, though, because the Supreme Court will soon overturn Judge Berman Jackson’s order. But the fact that scenario could play out, launching a revolving door of new defendants ordered by a federal judge to ignore the staffing decisions of the President of the United States, reveals the danger that efforts over the last month to obtain a coup by court order represents to our constitutional republic.

Article II of the Constitution provides that a president possesses the executive power. American voters elected Donald Trump president, giving him the executive power and the authority to delegate it, or not delegate it, as he believes appropriate. The Constitution provides some checks to that authority, for instance by requiring “the Advice and Consent of the Senate” for certain appointments, such as “Officers of the United States. In contrast, Article II’s silence concerning removal, “confers upon the President an absolute and unqualified removal authority.”

Yet Judge Berman Jackson held Trump could not remove Dellinger because Congress had specified the special counsel “serve a five-year term with removal only for cause.” Congress cannot trump the Constitution, however, which is why the Supreme Court previously held in Seila Law v. CFPB and Collins v. Yellen that the president could remove the heads of those agencies at will, notwithstanding the relevant statutes providing for for-cause removal only. In fact, based on that precedent, former president Joe Biden, in 2021, fired the head of the Social Security Administration without cause.


PREMO Member

ICYMI — Judge McConnell, the federal judge blocking President Trump’s spending freeze, has served for 18 years on the board of a nonprofit that has received $128M in government funding during that time.

Now, after his ruling to keep federal funds flowing, his nonprofit stands to receive millions more.

Judge McConnell must recuse himself IMMEDIATELY.




PREMO Member

MSNBC Host Jen Psaki’s sister worked for nearly a decade at Population Council International, a recipient of hundreds of millions of dollars from USAID.

The group even lists USAID as one of its official partners.

Why does Jen never disclose this!?




PREMO Member
I kind of wonder sometimes if it’s all government workers or if it’s just the ones in DC area.

Do the Feds operating out of Kansas City, Columbus, places all across the middle of America behave this way?

I'd like to think Federal Employees in local offices in red states are conservative leaning, unless they are DC transplants


PREMO Member

Stacey Abrams

Stacey Abrahams is freaking out because she’s being investigated for all of her fraud. She says Trump is a “petty tyrant“ who is surrounded by “complicit flunkies” and urges Americans to demand what they voted for.

Hey @staceyabrams, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I VOTED FOR. Holding people like yourself accountable for corruption and theft is exactly what I voted for.



PREMO Member
🪖 According to Wikipedia, the FBI’s covert 1956-1971 operation COINTELPRO (short for Counterintelligence Program) was “aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political organizations.” COINTELPRO is just one example, mind you, since “the FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception.”

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Long before the first notion of social media was conceived by a concupiscient teenager, the Church Committee found that the FBI used tactics like: psychological manipulation, planting evidence, witness tampering, fake news stories to discredit targets, infiltration of domestic political groups, provoking illegal conduct or self-discrediting acts, disinformation, character assassination, and encouraging infighting and factionalism.

The FBI’s goal was to avoid the appearance of outright repression. They don’t want to create any pesky martyr figures, which are harder to get rid of than Hunter Biden at a Burisma board meeting after-party. Instead, special agents covertly provoke their targets into tearing themselves apart from the inside. It’s a sophisticated, effective, and diabolically insidious strategy.

I’m not picking on the FBI in particular. We can fairly assume that these long-proven tactics have been revised for the Internet era not only by the FBI but every other three-letter agency and the entire military. Not only that, but it would be madness to not assume our enemies are just as skilled at these rancid psyoperations as our own government is. And if there is one tactic that works beautifully against online conservatives, it is the manufacturing of destructive outrage over bad motives — in other words, by encouraging infighting and factionalism through character assassination. In short, COINTEL.

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Let me put it another way. During the pandemic, they reverted to outright censorship. Remember all the “former” FBI and CIA agents found infesting Facebook’s middle and upper management? But it backfired. It minted martyrs, launched lawsuits, and initiated investigations. Do you think they’ve given up? Don’t be ridiculous, Martha. They haven’t given up. They’ve reverted to form, and that’s all. Back to psyops. Back to COINTEL.

We think we’ve captured the Deep State on Twitter, but they’re using Twitter to capture us.

I won’t bury the lede. I will tell you exactly how they’re doing it to us. And then I will show you just where it has cropped up next.

Step One: Pick an effective conservative figure with influence or political power.

Step Two: Wait for them to do something even slightly open to interpretation.

Step Three: Seed social media with just enough innuendo to turn skepticism into a purity spiral.

Step Four: Place the popcorn bag in the microwave, label side down.

Let me now introduce you to one Pamela “Jane” Bondi, Trump’s pick for Attorney General:

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You already know the maddening story. For ages, Pam promised to release the Epstein files. Last week, the highly anticipated Epstein reveal exploded like a DNC pipe bomb in a chaotic, misfired disaster. Blame ricocheted to the FBI’s SDNY field office, and within days, its never-Trump assistant director abruptly resigned. But what didn’t happen was any Epstein data dump. Instead, we got a mess of official explanations—none of which made sense.

🪖 In immediate response, as though from nowhere, a huge black-pilled mob rose up to take Pam down. She’s part of the coverup! She’s on the list! She was probably in on it from the start! Progressive media, otherwise allergic to Epstein stories, suddenly discovered a fresh sense of urgency, sprang into action, and began excavating a massive pig-pile of blame. Headline, far-left Vox, February 28th:

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For another example, of many, on February 25th, the leftwing Daily Dot excreted its Pam Bondi hit-piece, using conservative rage for the story’s fiber:

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Some high-follower-count influencers dug up old allegations that “Pam let Epstein slide.” For example, this November 2024 Times of India headline made the rounds:

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For its evidence, the Times of India cited zero facts. To prove its astonishing claim, the Times cited … Democrat claims:

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And we all know how much Democrats want the Epstein files disclosed, right? They never shut up about it. Oh wait. Sorry, I meant to say, they never talk about it at all.

🪖 COINTEL. It has all the hallmarks. Let me show you. But first, to answer the inevitable objection, I am not saying we shouldn’t hold conservative leaders to account or nudge them in the right direction. Of course we should. But keeping our own side accountable should not involve character assassination or unsupported allegations or imputed motives.

Yesterday, some people were convinced to jettison a conservative Supreme Court Justice based on an ambiguous facial expression. That is not how we should hold our key conservatives to account.

Here are the red flags that Bondi’s character assassination is a psyop. First, Democrats are gleefully joining in. These are the same people shrieking about DOGE getting access to private IRS files, but now, they suddenly reject the idea that Pam might need to redact witness and source information? When did Democrats become the champions of full disclosure?

Second, all the angst is based solely on guesses about Pam’s dark motives, with zero rational examination of the actual facts. Here’s a fact: If Pam releases the Epstein files too quickly and even one accidentally unredacted sex-trafficked victim claims her life is ruined—or if one confidential source is put “in danger”—Democrats will never shut up about it. And they’ll use it to take down the entire Trump Administration. It will be evidence of Trump’s recklessness and “moving too fast.” That’s the minefield Pam is tiptoeing through.

Of course, she must be careful. She must be double-careful, since there are malign actors inside the FBI who might mis-redact the files on purpose just to create that scandal.

Here’s another fact. Pam said the FBI was resisting her directives. And people just dismissed that? Out of hand? Really? After everything we’ve seen, does anyone seriously doubt that the FBI has people trying to sabotage her?

Another fact: Pam has been on the job for a few weeks. And yet, some people think she can just log in, click “Epstein,” and hit “Download.” Guys, be serious. Realistically, pulling it all together could take years.

The point isn’t to make excuses for Pam Bondi. That’s not my job. I’m not even arguing that everything is legit. The point is that no reasoned discussion is happening—and that is a red flag. What we see is pure outrage. Manufactured outrage. At our own side. And it’s doing exactly what it was designed to do: creating infighting, breeding factionalism, and tearing MAGA apart from within.

There are enemies within. Let’s not make things easy for them.



PREMO Member

Rep Tim Burchett says he’s willing to lose his job to tell us the REAL REASON government officials are opposing Elon Musk and DOGE

“They’re gonna push back because you’ve got Congressmen on both sides of the aisle. If they follow that paper trail, it's going to come back to them. You've got their wife and or girlfriend that works for some agency, quasi-agency or some business. This towns as crooked as a dogs leg”

“I’ll get primaried for saying that but that’s the truth and we all know it”



PREMO Member

Rep Tim Burchett says he’s willing to lose his job to tell us the REAL REASON government officials are opposing Elon Musk and DOGE

“They’re gonna push back because you’ve got Congressmen on both sides of the aisle. If they follow that paper trail, it's going to come back to them. You've got their wife and or girlfriend that works for some agency, quasi-agency or some business. This towns as crooked as a dogs leg”


PREMO Member

The CHIPS Act is a wasteful disaster that is completely unworkable because of its insane DEI standards.

Multiple companies actually decided to build *outside the US* after its passage because of its impossible requirements.

Trump is right about this.






Well-Known Member

The CHIPS Act is a wasteful disaster that is completely unworkable because of its insane DEI standards.

Multiple companies actually decided to build *outside the US* after its passage because of its impossible requirements.

Trump is right about this.





Its the same about why a lot of the infrastructure money hasn't been used. DEI rules.