Deep Throat comes out...


Salt Life
huntr1 said:
Ever heard of G. Gordon Liddy? Ever heard of Watergate? Ever heard of Richard Nixon? If you have heard of any of these, trust me, you HAVE heard of Deep Throat, you just forgot it.
Yep, know about all of those, and I can honestly say I've NEVER heard the term Deep Throat before, not even the porn. :shrug:


Salt Life
truby20 said:
Are you actually wondering why you never heard this term before? How about you turn off "Elliot" in your drive in and tune into NPR, you will become more informed and engaged in the world.
Elliot refers to 'Deep Throat' one day and all the sudden I'm not "engaged" in the world? Nice try, but your argument is lazy. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
He's (Felt) still bitter for getting passed over for promotion. The word "hero" is worthless anymore.
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Asperger's Poster Child
Nickel said:
How the heck old are you? I'm only 23 and the first thing I think of when I hear the term is the Watergate scandal.
Me too, except I'm 38. When Nixon gave his farewell address to the White House staff, my class watched it on TV. Maybe I don't think of the Linda Lovelace movie because I've never watched hardcore porn. In fact, I didn't find out the origin of the name Deep Throat until I was in my 20s.


I bowl overhand
Airgasm said:
Bit suprised Woodward would confirm this source so quickly. Why not stick to the principal you stood on when originally asked to devulge your source. Didn't the stance against the Justice System used by Woodward and Bernstien , set the presedence for journalists and protecting the identity of sources?

Sell-Out, maybe
I think the family is the sell-out.. from what I saw on TV the Father/ Grandfather wanted to take this to his grave, he was ashamed. But he's had a stroke and since then the family has convinced him that he's some kind of hero and they got him to sell out before he died.. hence THEY make bank.

Sounds kind of childish now, Nixon passes him over for the FBI job, and he rats out Nixon, could see why he was ashamed of what he did.. maybe Nixon was smart enough to see him for what he really was, and that's why he didn't appoint him head of the FBI!?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Time for some politics...

The left heralds Mr. Throat for 'doing the right thing' and maybe he did. Nixon was trying to interfere with the FBI and he fired his AG in an attempt to find a way out. Rather clear and severe abuses of power.

Nixons defense was that it was dangerous for the President of the United States to be able to be knocked down by such small potatoes.

Now, Nixon was wrong about one thing; it is critical that an American President, especially an American President, be able to be knocked out of office for small potatoes.

We are not a dictatorship. Or potatoship for that matter.
We are not a monarchy.

Nixon deserved to be run from office for for what he did and he did two things:

1. Engaged in and got caught in political chicanery. Stupid, petty stuff.
2. The biggee; the cover up.

Nixon was right, however, that #1 was small potatoes.

The source of all of our public political acrimony today can and should be laid at the feet of Bill Clinton. What he got away with was a far cry more serious than the Watergate break in. Again, Nixon crossed a far more serious line in the coverup so don't look at this as some sort of excuse for Nixon. He got what he deserved.

Clinton did not.

Obviously, it is a waste of time to ever get his side to agree that Clinton did ANYTHING wrong, let alone serious abuse of power far in excess of Watergate but the facts remain for anyone who cares to research the allegations against him. This is not my purpose here.

I simply take this opportunity to state that had a 'Deep Throat' existed during Clintons 8 year binge of arrested development then he, Clinton, would have been properly impeached, tossed from office, Al Gore would have ascended to the Presidency and the American idea that no man, not Nixon, not Clinton, none of us, is above the law just because of his station in life.

Of course, you can figure for yourself the perception of the #2 man in the FBI ratting out Clinton. He'd been no hero then would he?

At the end, we are better off for having Nixon pay the price. We would be far better of now had Clinton done the same.


¡Tengo una tarjeta verde!
Bustem' Down said:
Here's a laugh for you. Allow me to show my age. When I saw saw the headline, I thought it was about the porn movie. Not old enough to know about the Nixon thing.
He was a president.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry Gude said:
The source of all of our public political acrimony today can and should be laid at the feet of Bill Clinton. What he got away with was a far cry more serious than the Watergate break in. Again, Nixon crossed a far more serious line in the coverup so don't look at this as some sort of excuse for Nixon. He got what he deserved.

Clinton did not.
I see Nixon's main crime as abuse of power, meaning that he used the CIA and IRS and other agencies to target dissenters and critics. These were the covert operations that the cover-up was supposed to conceal.

Did Clinton abuse his power in the same way? I think he probably did.


Nothing to see here
FromTexas said:
I believe it is much different when the source wants to be exposed. :wink:

According to John Feinstein(ex WP writer, bookwriter), Felt told Woodward back in 1999 that he could 'out' him. Woodstein didn't because he felt that he would be accused of taking advantage of a man with failing mental facilities and had promised(along with the WP) that he would not name him until his death.


Fighting like a girl
Chasey_Lane said:
Elliot refers to 'Deep Throat' one day and all the sudden I'm not "engaged" in the world? Nice try, but your argument is lazy. :ohwell:

I said listening to something other than Elliot would make you MORE engaged. If you are happy with how knowledgeable you are about world events (which includes having no understanding about one of the greatest leaks to the press) then keep listening to your radio personalities and telling people they make lazy arguments.


Salt Life
truby20 said:
I said listening to something other than Elliot would make you MORE engaged. If you are happy with how knowledgeable you are about world events (which includes having no understanding about one of the greatest leaks to the press) then keep listening to your radio personalities and telling people they make lazy arguments.
I believe you said more informed:
truby20 said:
Are you actually wondering why you never heard this term before? How about you turn off "Elliot" in your drive in and tune into NPR, you will become more informed and engaged in the world.
I never stated I had no knowledge of Watergate, just 'Deep Throat.' Reading comprehension IS your friend. :yay:


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
Sure - didn't you? :shocking:
List of "Deep Throat" suspects included Washington's best known:

Pat Buchanan- Nixon Speech Writer
Steven Bull- White House Aide
George H.W. Bush- Replublican Party Chairman, and later Prez. :yikes:
John Dean- White House counsel
Fred Fielding- Deputy White House counsel
Leonard Garment- White House Advisor
David Gergen- White House Advisor
Patrick Gray-FBI director
Alexander Haig- White House Chief of Staff
Henry Kissinger-Secretary of State
Henry Peterson-Assistant Attorney General
Ray Price-Speech Writer
Dianne Sawyer- :yikes:
John Sears-White House Aide
Ron Ziegler-Nixon's Press Secretary

Sources: USA Today, AP, Reuters, and The Atlantic
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Among other things
Airgasm said:
List of "Deep Throat" suspects included Washington's best know:

Pat Buchanan- Nixon Speech Writer
Steven Bull- White House Aide
George H.W. Bush- Replublican Party Chairman, and later Prez. :yikes:
John Dean- White House counsel
Fred Fielding- Deputy White House counsel
Leonard Garment- White House Advisor
David Gergen- White House Advisor
Patrick Gray-FBI director
Alexander Haig- White House Chief of Staff
Henry Kissinger-Secretary of State
Henry Peterson-Assistant Attorney General
Ray Price-Speech Writer
Dianne Sawyer- :yikes:
John Sears-White House Aide
Ron Ziegler-Nixon's Press Secretary

Sources: USA Today, AP, Reuters, and The Atlantic

What was Dianne Sawyer's role in the Watergate scandal? I remember a lot about it but not her part.


Asperger's Poster Child
fishinfool said:
What was Dianne Sawyer's role in the Watergate scandal? I remember a lot about it but not her part.
Sawyer worked in the White House press office. Her boss was Ron Ziegler.

Ben Stein also worked in the Nixon White House.


Well-Known Member
fishinfool said:
What was Dianne Sawyer's role in the Watergate scandal? I remember a lot about it but not her part.

"After a couple of years, Sawyer left her TV gig for government service. She joined the Nixon White House on the staff of press secretary Ron Ziegler, working as a press aide from 1970 until Nixon was forced to step down in 1974 because of Watergate. Even after his resignation, Sawyer stayed on and helped the unindicted co-conspirator assemble his memoirs on his compound in San Clemente, California. Rumors abound that she Fxxxked the old man (who she still admires to this day), but this is probably nothing more than wishful thinking."


Asperger's Poster Child
Airgasm said:
Rumors abound that she Fxxxked the old man (who she still admires to this day), but this is probably nothing more than wishful thinking.
Who was doing the wishful thinking? :lol:


Among other things
Chasey_Lane said:
You listen to Elliot, too, dontcha? :snacks:

NO, I quit listening to him after he was trying to get people to discrace the Korean war statues and then a couple of mornings later, made fun of a girl with diabetes on the air. That was at least a couple of years ago.