Deep Throat comes out...


Asperger's Poster Child
T.Rally said:
I bet Linda Tripp is hoping history will be half as kind to her in another 25 years or so.
I hope she will get some recognition in the years to come. True, the tawdry happenings she exposed might not have been in the same class as the misuse of the CIA to stifle dissent. But it still involved our elected leaders, and the public deserved to know about it.


curiouser and curiouser
SamSpade said:
I don't know. When I was in school, we never covered history beyond WW2, even though there was a good thirty years beyond that to cover. Maybe they're still using the same texts?
Maybe I just had a really good history teacher. :shrug:


I bowl overhand
itsbob said:
I think the family is the sell-out.. from what I saw on TV the Father/ Grandfather wanted to take this to his grave, he was ashamed. But he's had a stroke and since then the family has convinced him that he's some kind of hero and they got him to sell out before he died.. hence THEY make bank.

Sounds kind of childish now, Nixon passes him over for the FBI job, and he rats out Nixon, could see why he was ashamed of what he did.. maybe Nixon was smart enough to see him for what he really was, and that's why he didn't appoint him head of the FBI!?

you're lucky you have a girlfriend, you're a complete idiot

Ain't this sweet, somebody took the time out of their day to tell me how they feel!! Ya MOE-RON :patriot:


"Fill your hands you SOB!
I actually had the chance to talk face-to-face with Ben Bradlee last night and asked what his take on the story was (Deep Throat coming out of the closet). His main reaction was that he was amazed that Felt's identity was kept secret for 30+ years! He said it was one of those political stories that never really went away and he and Woodward and Bernstein were inundated with interview requests now.

Very friendly guy!


Lovin' being Texican
Shouldn't this thread have been entitled "Deep Throat spits out the truth" or "Deep Throat cannot swallow the secrecy any more"?