You know, I was watching The Five - yesterday? - and I usually brace myself for whateever the liberal guest has to say. Normally, if it's Geraldo, he's not going to differ much with the rest of the panel. If it's Jessica, she WILL disagree, but she's not - forceful.
Harold Ford, however, is all over the place. So it surprised me to see he almost word for word agreed with the rest of the panel on cancel culture. IIRC, the issue was about some product in a store that ONE person found "offensive". And Harold stated exactly as everyone else did - don't buy it. A TV show offends you? Don't watch. Don't go there, don't support it, don't buy it, don't listen to it.
Cancel culture is all about the idea that if you find it offensive - it must not be allowed to exist at all. Some of the panel wanted to blame millennials or a younger entitled generation who somehow believe they have the right to eliminate what they find offensive, and they are at odds with people who GET - that if something is offensive, it's still allowed freedom (usually).
We are - thankfully - beginning to see a rise in "hey if you don't like it, take a hike". Cancel culture has worked in the past, because people fear the power that the cancelers hold - but increasingly they're learning, it's a damned bluff. Their hand is empty.