Democrat Debate


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Wow! There are more than 2 candidates. Who knew? I hadn't heard anything about O'Malley, Webb & Chaffee for so long, I thought they'd drop out.

So, who's watchin'? :popcorn:

I will attempt to watch it. I have yoga tonight, so after I get my Zen on, I should be able to stomach part of it. :jet:


But wait, there's more...
I don't see it on my cable guide. Knowing those scathing bastages, it's probably on PPV.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'll be watching. I want to see the old hag crash and burn, Bernie show his socialist stripes, O'Malley be O'Malley, and Jim Webb show what he's made of.


But wait, there's more...
Will you be posting updates? I'm not watching.

I can but I can't promise it will be kind. Bernie needs a hanky to wipe up the spit and slobber he is spewing on the stage while saying we need to be more like socialist countries. And Hillary is as opportunistic as she always is.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I can but I can't promise it will be kind. Bernie needs a hanky to wipe up the spit and slobber he is spewing on the stage while saying we need to be more like socialist countries. And Hillary is as opportunistic as she always is.

He can't just answer a yes or no question! He was making my ears bleed on that trip around the mulberry bush. :crazy:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I can but I can't promise it will be kind. Bernie needs a hanky to wipe up the spit and slobber he is spewing on the stage while saying we need to be more like socialist countries. And Hillary is as opportunistic as she always is.

Please, be your unkind self!


But wait, there's more...
At least Anderson is bringing them back from their campaign speech to force an answer to the question.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bernie Sanders is a lunatic. How is he polling so high???

OweMalley sounds good, for a gun grabbing Leftist.

Hillary is doing well. Looks and sounds authoritative.

Jim Webb...I don't know what he's saying because he looks like a Muppet and I can't focus on his words with that goofy face and hair distracting me.


But wait, there's more...
Bernie Sanders is a lunatic. How is he polling so high???

OweMalley sounds good, for a gun grabbing Leftist.

Hillary is doing well. Looks and sounds authoritative.

Jim Webb...I don't know what he's saying because he looks like a Muppet and I can't focus on his words with that goofy face and hair distracting me.

None of these candidates appear presidential to me, regardless of the obvious fact I don't share their views. Bernie couldn't even bother getting a haircut before the debate and looks like he's about to pop a blood vessel; Hillary might come across as authoritative, but when you know it's all BS, it just drips as campaign diarrhea; and Webb is a stammering idiot! Can't see him sitting at a summit with the likes of Putin or Netanyahu.