Democrat, Republican, or Independent?

Where do you fall?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Republican

    Votes: 41 47.1%
  • Independent Party

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Something else you neglected to mention

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • Politics, Schmolitics... I don't even care to vote!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates.

    Votes: 19 21.8%

  • Total voters


curiouser and curiouser
vraiblonde said:
I am a registered Republican - my political beliefs are conservative, with liberal leanings on several issues.

I find that the older I get, the more conservative my views have become. When I registered to vote at 18, I didn't affiliate with any party. When I re-registered when we moved to NC, I went ahead and registered as a Republican so I could vote in the primaries. I try to base my votes on the candidates though, not the parties. My vote doesn't count though, I live in a liberal state, and I think 17 people in my town actually vote. :lol:


Harley Rider
Republican but a disappointed one. I'd like to be in the Constitution party but no one there runs! Voting is tough because, even in my party, there are many that I don't vote for. The Dem's are considered liberals, but they won't let us "carry", nor will they let us ride motorcycles without helmets. The Repub's are called conservative but are really Rhino's. Both parties are giving this country away (and our jobs too!) for the sake of power & votes; legal or illegal. What can we really do? I feel so trapped and helpless at times! Check out the signature below this and take it seriously next year. :patriot: Remember: protect our borders, language & culture and it was always God, guts & guns that made America strong! Let's fight as our ancestors did to keep it that way for our kids! AATTSS right!


Highlander's MPD
Nickel said:

I find that the older I get, the more conservative my views have become When I registered to vote at 18, I didn't affiliate with any party. When I re-registered when we moved to NC, I went ahead and registered as a Republican so I could vote in the primaries. I try to base my votes on the candidates though, not the parties. My vote doesn't count though, I live in a liberal state, and I think 17 people in my town actually vote. :lol:

This statement makes sense. As we get older, most of us mature. We tend to figure things out and become more conservative in our views. Then again, not everyone actually matures.


vraiblonde said:

Because I am a woman and not a man, I didn't overanalyze the poll selections. I assumed that she meant "independent" as in not belonging to a particular political party.
Thank you for that.

Forgive me if I was misleading, MMDad. We all make mistakes.


On the Right Side.
I am a moderate conservative.

I enjoy pointing out how wrong the Boy Mayor is and the democrats that Infest Annapolis like blood sucking maggots.

This is my first political post on this board, so you may not know who the Boy Mayor is. The Boy Mayor a.k.a. Martin O'Malley. (that is as respectfull as I can be with that thing.)


Main Streeter
vraiblonde said:

Because I am a woman and not a man, I didn't overanalyze the poll selections. I assumed that she meant "independent" as in not belonging to a particular political party.

If one is not registered with any political party, they're considered, “unaffiliated” with regards to voter registration.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


Main Streeter
MMDad said:
You can do better than that. They not only have no candidates for office, they also have nobody seeking their nomination. They haven't even ever had a candidate for President.

You just threw that out there because you realized that "Independent Party" is not a real choice, but you refuse to admit you are wrong. This refusal is becoming a common theme in your posts.

Actually, they have had a presidential candidate. George Wallace was their candidate in 1968. He got 10 million votes and carried five states.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Conservative Libertarian but Registered GOP.

Philosphy - Leave me the $%!& alone and I'll do the same.


Main Streeter
kris31280 said:
I'm curious to see how many of the users on this forum consider themselves to be Republican, Democrats, Independent Party, or something else I didn't list.

Registered Democrat. Don’t remember ever voting a straight party slate though I might have once or twice. I vote based on the individual candidates; however, it’s safe to say that I’ve voted for more Democrats. As to where I “fall”, neither of the typical labels really apply to me as I fall to the right on some issues and to the left on others so I guess I’m moderate.

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>


Lem Putt
awpitt said:
Actually, they have had a presidential candidate. George Wallace was their candidate in 1968. He got 10 million votes and carried five states.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
That would be the American Independent Party, not the Independent American Party. Those minor third parties seem like they choose names in order to confuse, don't they?


Well-Known Member
awpitt said:
Actually, they have had a presidential candidate. George Wallace was their candidate in 1968. He got 10 million votes and carried five states.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

That's the American Independent Party - as opposed to the Independent American Party. And they have had a Presidential candidate EVERY year since Wallace.


Main Streeter
MMDad said:
That would be the American Independent Party, not the Independent American Party. Those minor third parties seem like they choose names in order to confuse, don't they?

They sure do and they got me.


New Member
I started out as a good Democrat as most natives of Southern Maryland do.

For me it was Bill Clinton that cured me. After his first election I re-registered as a Republican and never looked back. How that horndog shyster ,dope using,female molesting, draft dodging, lying bag of crap was ever elected to a high office I will never understand.

I cant believe the top running Democrat for President is his nasty wife.

If this is the best this country has to offer,its probably true we have outlasted our usefullness, and when they sell out our sovereignty to Global Government, Envirowhacko's , promote homosexuality in our schools, abortion, and Universal health care . We will probably deserve it.


Lem Putt
vraiblonde said:

Because I am a woman and not a man, I didn't overanalyze the poll selections. I assumed that she meant "independent" as in not belonging to a particular political party.
As Geek has shown in her animal and gay posts, men don't have a monopoly on overanalyzing.


Highlander's MPD
I'mno Mensa said:
I started out as a good Democrat as most natives of Southern Maryland do.

For me it was Bill Clinton that cured me. After his first election I re-registered as a Republican and never looked back. How that horndog shyster ,dope using,female molesting, draft dodging, lying bag of crap was ever elected to a high office I will never understand.

I cant believe the top running Democrat for President is his nasty wife.

If this is the best this country has to offer,its probably true we have outlasted our usefullness, and when they sell out our sovereignty to Global Government, Envirowhacko's , promote homosexuality in our schools, abortion, and Universal health care . We will probably deserve it.

All those horndog shyster ,dope using,female molesting (or male molesting in Forestal's case) , draft dodging, lying bags of crap who read this thread are not going to like you. I, on the other hand, totally agree with you.

If the dems were smart :killingme , they would sweep Hillary under the rug and come up with someone else. I kinda want to see her on the general election ballot. That would give the Republican's the oval office for sure.


Active Member
I have always registered as a republican. But during elections if I think a republican is an idiot or completely disagree with his thinking and previous actions, I will vote democratic or independent (which ever one I do agree with) on that part of the ticket.
Problem is when there's a toss up to who is more of an idiot then I leave it blank..