Democrat, Republican, or Independent?

Where do you fall?

  • Democrat

    Votes: 16 18.4%
  • Republican

    Votes: 41 47.1%
  • Independent Party

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Something else you neglected to mention

    Votes: 4 4.6%
  • Politics, Schmolitics... I don't even care to vote!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates.

    Votes: 19 21.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Middle of the road. Registered Republican, fall on the right on many social and economic issues but land on the left of some other social issues (gay rights, stem cells, etc).


Routinely Derailed
Compared to the Dems in my (wife's) family I'm considered a right-wing extremist. Compared to a lot of registered Republicans I'm considered a right-wing extremist. Compared to President Bush, with whom I have only a few disagreements and for whom I have a lot of respect, I'm considered a right-wing extremist.:yahoo: :biggrin:
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CageKicker Extraordinaire
Kyle said:
Conservative Libertarian but Registered GOP.

Philosphy - Leave me the $%!& alone and I'll do the same.

:yeahthat: More often than not, the gov't screws things up more than they fix them. I say we throw out every law made in the last 40 years and start from scratch. Figure that's easier than going back and figuring out how many of 'em actually worked. :lmao:

In all seriousness, as long as I'm not hurting anybody else, what do you care what I do? What business of it is yours? Don't want to see it? Don't look. Don't want to know? Don't ask. Live and let live- unless your section of the pool should be chlorinated.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Toxick said:
Libertarian. :howdy:

One of the few, proud, non-dope-smoking, non-hippy Libertarians.

From what I've read, they've been picking up steam in the last few years with the younger crowd (20's mostly, some early 30's) and alot of them can remember what they did 5 minutes ago. :yay:


Highlander's MPD
kris31280 said:
I'm curious to see how many of the users on this forum consider themselves to be Republican, Democrats, Independent Party, or something else I didn't list.

I have a theory, but I'd like to see it play out to find out if I'm correct.

So Kris, a few days have gone by now. Tell us if your theory was right.


Dork said:
So Kris, a few days have gone by now. Tell us if your theory was right.
My theory was dead on that it was mostly Republicans with a few Democrats scattered about and then the few remaining people that will claim independent until the day they die.

I did not include in my theory, however, someone asking me if I'd been abused as a child and somehow my avatar (which is a heartagram, btw) means that I'm both gay and messed up and in dire need of god's blessing.


Highlander's MPD
kris31280 said:
My theory was dead on that it was mostly Republicans with a few Democrats scattered about and then the few remaining people that will claim independent until the day they die.

I did not include in my theory, however, someone asking me if I'd been abused as a child and somehow my avatar (which is a heartagram, btw) means that I'm both gay and messed up and in dire need of god's blessing.

I guess the first sentence answered the question. I'm still trying to figure out what you mean by the second sentence. That don't make no sense. Why did you think there would be mostly republicans here? Maryland is a blue state, right? Just curious.


Dork said:
I guess the first sentence answered the question. I'm still trying to figure out what you mean by the second sentence. That don't make no sense. Why did you think there would be mostly republicans here? Maryland is a blue state, right? Just curious.
Well, based on the reaction to postings I have made, those are typical reactions of conservative people and conservative people typically tend to be Republicans.

Now I have no futher basis for that than my own meandering experience... but it's my theory and I'm sticking to it unless it is proven false.


OH, and one more thing... my red karma also posed the question "Who do you know that is gay?"

Oh honey, let me count my boys...
Let's see... there's Clayton... my soulmate and best friend
There's Tony... my most fabulous host with the most and I am his Empress of Fabulous
There's Todd... Hot Toddy as we call him
There's Stewart... The man with the voice of an angel and the body to match
There's Justin... old co-worker and great friend
There's Christina... my ex girlfriend
There's Emily... Christina's ex girlfriend before me
There's Jen... another ex girlfriend of mine
There's Anna... another ex girlfriend of mine who's now dating Christina
There's Mat... or 1 T as we call him, my idiot savant who's HIV positive
I could go on, really... suffice to say I know many many many many gay people.


Well-Known Member
kris31280 said:
OH, and one more thing... my red karma also posed the question "Who do you know that is gay?"

Oh honey, let me count my boys...
Let's see... there's Clayton... my soulmate and best friend
There's Tony... my most fabulous host with the most and I am his Empress of Fabulous
There's Todd... Hot Toddy as we call him
There's Stewart... The man with the voice of an angel and the body to match
There's Justin... old co-worker and great friend
There's Christina... my ex girlfriend
There's Emily... Christina's ex girlfriend before me
There's Jen... another ex girlfriend of mine
There's Anna... another ex girlfriend of mine who's now dating Christina
There's Mat... or 1 T as we call him, my idiot savant who's HIV positive
I could go on, really... suffice to say I know many many many many gay people.
Don't let the karma get to you. People who won't say it outright where at least their forum name can be seen, or who won't sign what they send you, probably shouldn't be worried about at all.


I'm the Boss of Me
Isn't " I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates." the same as being "Independent"?

I can vote for a Republican, or anyone for that matter, if they are honest, faithful, and truthful in their beliefs...


Highlander's MPD
forestal said:
Isn't " I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates." the same as being "Independent"?

I can vote for a Republican, or anyone for that matter, if they are honest, faithful, and truthful in their beliefs...

I'll bet you voted for Bush in 2004, didn't you?


Main Streeter
forestal said:
Isn't " I don't identify with any one party, I vote based on the candidates." the same as being "Independent"?

I can vote for a Republican, or anyone for that matter, if they are honest, faithful, and truthful in their beliefs...

In the general elections, you can vote for anyone regardless of their party affiliation or your party affiliation. The primaries are different as their purpose is for registered members of each party to select the candidate they want to advance to the general election.


New Member
When you register as an Independent, it means you do not identify with any one party. It does not mean you are a member of "The Independent Party".


Main Streeter
greyhound said:
When you register as an Independent, it means you do not identify with any one party. It does not mean you are a member of "The Independent Party".
Actually, if you do not identify with any one party, you register as "unaffiliated".