Democratic Decorum in Congress


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the Dem OGs are sorry they didn't primary these ghetto kids who have no respect for the office or anything else, or wish they hadn't tapped and muscled them through in the first place. I think at first Nancy et al tried to take them under her wing and show them the ropes, but bitches wa'nt havin' none o' dat. :snap: Now these monsters she helped create are out of control and I'm not positive there are enough illiterate dumbasses to keep the Dem Party afloat.
Don't worry there certainly are enough illiterate dumbasses to keep the democrats going.


PREMO Member
Speaking of things happening differently, something else happened a lot differently this week as Democrats settled into their House minority roles. Axios quietly reported the story, headlined “Pelosi takes a hands-off role in House Democrats' internal fights.” More like a hip-off role. Usually, Nancy Pelosi hand-picks all the House committee assignments and whips the Democrats into line. You could almost feel sorry for them. But this time, the aging, day-drinking former Speaker, 106, was sidelined in Germany for hip replacement surgery (“hüftgelenkersatzoperation,” and I am not making that up).

Sunny Hostin THROWS A FIT As The View TURNS On Democrats And Nancy Pelosi For REJECTING AOC!​



If I may ...
For your consideration ...
