Democratic Operatives


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PREMO Member

Another (Possible) Constitutional Crisis of the Democrats' Making

My colleague Aaron broke the news this morning, and has provided some pretty thoughtful insight into why President Trump may actually have an argument here.

I'll revisit what Aaron wrote in December 2024, after Ana Navarro face planted over Woodrow Wilson pardoning his 'brother' Hunter DeButts:

what if Joe Biden was no longer competent, mentally, to issue such a pardon, either in general or just at the specific moment he signed it? The 25th Amendment sets up one method of dealing with incompetent presidents but the law might organically develop another.
For instance, imagine this outlandish scenario. Imagine someone slipped an unusually potent dose of LSD into the president’s drink and while under the influence, the president issued all kinds of crazy new regulations. When the president was him or herself again, surely the President can say that the regulations were not properly issued because he was not competent to do so, right? So why can’t someone say that at some point in the presidency, Biden became unable to issue pardons? Thus the Trump administration could investigate the pardon on that basis: To see if Biden was competent to issue it. And if he wasn’t, perhaps it could be rescinded.
