Democratic Presidential Candidates


New Member
It is really early but now that the Democratic field is taking its shape, I would like to discuss the Democrats that are running for office. I see John Edwards as being like a Jimmy Carter and I think that at this time I am leaning towards him. Kerry is way too liberal to win the general and it is scarry that our party may once again nominate a New England liberal. Liberman is Jewish, which will hurt his electability with southerners. General Clark would help us to halt the whole national security debate but I don't like the idea of a general carrying the banner of a party. Gephardt and Daschle, hate both of them.

Your opinions.


endangered species
I agree with that, dems, except Edwards just "feels" pretty young to me, although I believe he is the same age Clinton was when first elected. Dean is intriguing, and so is Clark. I'm trying to find out more aout Clark. There are some who hate him, think he should be brought up on war crimes charges for something that happened in the Balkans. Don't know any more than that yet.


Isn't Edwards 49?

The person I would like to see in there is Rockefeller from WV, he is a good man.

Oh can you imagine what we will hear from the arab world if we elect a jewish president.


New Member
You are right Heretic, Senator Edwards is only 49 - three years younger than Clinton when he was first elected. Rockefeller would be a nice candidate but I think that it is wierd to hear you say that because he is quite quite liberal.


I thought Clinton was 44ish when elected?

I never really saw Rockefeller as that liberal, I guess its a matter of what areas. I guess I always just thought of him as voting in what he believed in and not a political agenda, he often votes outside party lines as does Byrd, I just cant stand Byrd though.

My dad was actually in a commercial for Rockefellers campaign for govenor in 1980.


New Member
Go Edwards!!!

I love John Edwards...he is so hot. Anyway, I like his positions too and his southern background. He is a moderate that the Dems need to put forward. So, as of now, I will be pulling his lever at the booth on primary day (and hopefully election day).


New Member
Yeah, Rockefeller is really liberal - way more than Byrd. He received a consistent 80% or above on his unity with the national Democratic Party while Byrd was usually in the 60's and 50's range.


New Member
Re: Re: Go Edwards!!!

Originally posted by Biscuit
Dems, Isn't this why you like edwards Really:biggrin:

Oh, yeah!!! HAHA! I've been called gay since well...last night when the daughter's boyfriend called me a degrading name for the gays. :biggrin:


Just looked it up Clinton was born in 1946, that made him 46 when elected. Thought he was younger than Edwards would be at time of election.

Speaking of age how many people would be comfortable voting for someone the of the minimum age of 35? Hmmm President has a minimum age but Im not sure VP what if the VP is only 30 and the president dies?

Sorry for the rambling, the football games today were boring they were such blowouts.


New Member
The vice-president has all the same requirements as the president, so Heretic, your situation would never happen. And if the winner of the election was discovered not to be able to fullfil the requirements, he would surrender his seat.

I think that the younger the better...I would definitely vote for a 35-year old presidential candidate.


Livin' Large
I want a president that is not only respected by americans by strike the fear of god into hostile nations oversea's. It is a bad situation when our president is seen as to passive!:burning:


New Member
Kerry Kerry Kerry!
BTW did anyone see the front page of the Post this morning... Haha what the hell is wrong with bush?


New Member
Originally posted by smcdem
Kerry Kerry Kerry!
BTW did anyone see the front page of the Post this morning... Haha what the hell is wrong with bush?

Well, little buddy, I did some electoral math to show you how poorly our party's candidate would perform if Kerry was it. Bush: 426 to Kerry's 112...does that look good? NO!


endangered species
Personally, i don't feel the dems have much of a chance for the presidency in 04, what with the war and all. And if the economy gets straightened out, Bush will be untouchable. Barring any huge scandals, of course. Anyway, reading between the lines of what Gore has been saying lately, I suspect he feels the same way. If you lose three times, your pretty much done, and he didn't want to waste that third time on a futile effort.


New Member
We got a great chance I think. It's a 50-50 nation and Bush's approval ratings are dropping like a lead ballon.


Krebs that was my though too about Gore, I would be suprised to not see him in the future because he is so young. Besides what the heck else is a career politician going to do?

Bush is rather likable, unlike his dad and now that people have gotten to know him more I don't see him loosing in 04 but who knows.

Anyone remember the Saturday Night Live skit where Rambo was running for president and passing out toxic waste? Or the one where Clinton was on Jeopardy and selected Pot Party instead of Potpouri. I hope we get a good skit this election, the last one was pretty lame.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by demsformd
It is really early but now that the Democratic field is taking its shape, I would like to discuss the Democrats that are running for office. I see John Edwards as being like a Jimmy Carter and I think that at this time I am leaning towards him. Kerry is way too liberal to win the general and it is scarry that our party may once again nominate a New England liberal. Liberman is Jewish, which will hurt his electability with southerners. General Clark would help us to halt the whole national security debate but I don't like the idea of a general carrying the banner of a party. Gephardt and Daschle, hate both of them.

Your opinions.

I agree with everything you said. I still have my reservations about Edwards, considering that he is a trial lawyer who made millions winning lawsuits against large corporations.

This tells me that he's part of the problem, NOT part of the solution. I will hold my final "judgement" until I learn more about him, and other potential candidates.

(Not that it matters - I will probably cast my vote for Bush!)
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Does anyone have a site showing who Edwards sued? Sometimes companies deserve to be sued, most of the time though its just people trying to get rich though.


You're all F'in Mad...
Hey DFM - You forgot to give the Democratic eval on Reverend Al...