Democratic Presidential Candidates

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
The reason that Hillary is winning among Democrats is because of name recognition and nothing else. Hillary cannot win a national election because the nation is not ready for a woman president and neither are they ready for another Clinton term.
What do you mean the nation isn't ready? Are you implying that a woman isn't capable of doing the job? That statement sure sounds sexist for a Democrat.


Name recognition is probably atleast 50% of the game. If it wasn't for name recognition I doubt Gore or Bush would have been the party nominations last election.

When do the primarys start anyway? Alot of canidates don't gain momentum until after the primarys start.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
What do you mean the nation isn't ready? Are you implying that a woman isn't capable of doing the job? That statement sure sounds sexist for a Democrat.

It sounded more like he was saying the country just isn't ready to vote for a woman.. Nothing to do with qualifications.. Just like we have people in congress who think blacks should not be mixed with whites, we have people who just couldn't imagine a woman being president. Nothing to do with qualifications, just personal beliefs.. Just like some vote republican or democrat because it is just what they do.

I figure hell, we (men) haven't been able to get it right yet, why not have a woman give it a shot? I just don't think Clinton is the answer.. I can't even imagine the meltdown on the right side if a Clinton once again beat a war winning (hopefully) Bush.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I can't stand chick sportscasters - what do you think the odds are I'd want a chick President? Unless it was some really mean, badass, PMS queen who'd nuke a country a month (if ya know what I mean). I'd vote for her in a minute.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Just like we have people in congress who think blacks should not be mixed with whites, we have people who just couldn't imagine a woman being president. Nothing to do with qualifications, just personal beliefs..
So you agree that it was a sexist comment by a person that touts their party as the party of inclusion.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
So you agree that it was a sexist comment by a person that touts their party as the party of inclusion.

No, it was a comment about how he feels the people will view a woman as a potential candidate..

I guess the dems are racist if they don't put their support behind Al Sharpton?


Mr. Krebs... I would like to thank you for one of the most well thought out posts that I have seen on this forum.

I think that Edwards is the best hope for the Dems, but he has to get off this "I am one of the Common People" crap. Everyone knows he isn't one of us poor country cousins, and he'll get buried by his own schmultz. Maybe he should call Lamar Alexander and ask him for tips about picking out folksy shirts.

I agree that Kerry is wayyyyy to Liberal to win. Him and Sharpton are identified as guys who can "Energize the Base" but the base doesn't win the election. The swing voters do, and I don't see them going that far left.

Daschle doesn't think he can win either. If he did he would at least resign from his leadership position, if not the Senate, to run. He knows he needs a day job. :biggrin:

Gephardt... if you can't run the minority in Congress how are you going to run the US?

Here's a Fantasy Politics matchup for 2008. Imagine Hillary announcing her candidacy and then Al Gore challenging her for the nomination. I would switch my voter registration to vote for Gore in that primary.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The first female or black President will be a Republican - remember you heard that here first, too.

To be fair, Bloom County once predicted that the first black president will be a conservative.

I don't want to see Hillary run for President, because that election would almost be a civil war. The Bush/Gore election divided the country along urban/rural lines, which I think was due to opinions about gun control (even though that wasn't a big issue in 2000).

Hillary is an extremely divisive personality, but her political opinions are not that much different from other Democrats'. So what's her problem? I think it's mostly her self-obsession. It's all about Hillary.

Also, there was the "baking cookies" comment in '92. Many men don't know that for the past decade, working mothers and stay-at-home mothers have almost been at war with one another. Each side accuses the other of being selfish and neglectful, and Hillary dove head-first into that swamp of bad feeling.

Many feminists claim that people don't like Hillary because she's an aggressive woman. But I don't find that claim credible in this day and age. Granted, there still may be a few keep-'em-barefoot-and-pregnant types who believe that aggressiveness makes a woman unfeminine. But there are plenty of other women in politics now, both Dems and Reps, and no one accuses them of trying to act like men.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by vraiblonde
To Ken:

The Democrats promote a woman for President!?! Perish the thought! Next you'll be wondering why they don't hitch their wagon to a gay or a black. :duh:

The first female or black President will be a Republican - remember you heard that here first, too.

Eleanor Clift actually said this weekend that Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was likely to be the first female Vice President. That was until Erlich voters handed her an Annapolis eviction notice.

What planet are those gals on?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MGKrebs
Well, getting voted out by Maryland voters might not be bad resume material!! :biggrin: :biggrin:
Yeah, maybe now she'll move to Georgia and help out that state like she did with Maryland. I think you and her would be great friends Maynard.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Oz
Eleanor Clift actually said this weekend that Kathleen Kennedy Townsend was likely to be the first female Vice President. That was until Erlich voters handed her an Annapolis eviction notice.

What planet are those gals on?

I think many old-time Kennedy Democrats see KKT as the Second Coming. :lmao: Maybe those people should be forced to listen to audiotapes of her speeches. She's even less articulate than GWB, with none of Bush's charisma.


New Member
I was not giving a sexist statement when I said that the nation was not ready for a woman president, I was instead relying on demographic information. Hillary is far too polarizing for the Democrats to pick and win. I am ready for a woman president, but the vast majority of the nation is not. I voted for Mondale and Ferraro in 1984 and I would do it again.

To the Republicans, why did your party reject Elizabeth Dole for the presidency?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by demsformd
To the Republicans, why did your party reject Elizabeth Dole for the presidency?
Let me count the reasons:
  1. Her husband does Viagra commercials and pants after Britney Spears
  2. She has no real experience
  3. We didn't really reject her - she quit early on

    I was interested in her but she bailed before she really got running. I guess she couldn't raise the dough. Watch for her to make a comeback when she's done being Senator.


Unlike the voters of New York I don't believe that being married to someone qualifies you to do their job. I know I sure wouldnt want my doctors wife doing surgery on me.


Anyone listen to KKT's concession speach? I about died when she said her uncle Teddy was a role model for her. Im sorry Ted shouldn't be role model for anyone, John yes, Robert yes, but Ted, no way in hell.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Heretic
Anyone listen to KKT's concession speach? I about died when she said her uncle Teddy was a role model for her. Im sorry Ted shouldn't be role model for anyone, John yes, Robert yes, but Ted, no way in hell.

By Bob Rivers (a Christmas flashback):

Teddy the red-nosed senator
Had a very shiny car
And if you ever saw it
You were probably near a bar

All of the other senators
Wondered how he got his dames
They thought he drank too many
To play in any bedroom games

Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say
"Teddy with your nose so red
Won't you help me guide my sled?"

That's how the police found them
Wrapped around a maple tree
Teddy the red-nosed senator
He's a drunken SOB

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Democratic strategy...

Aren't you all forgetting the most important pieces to the puzzle?

A little history here. All the heroes of the party declined, Jackson, Kennedy and Cuomo, to take on George the First. Tsongus became the favorite son of the democratic faithful but Clinton won by attacking Paul’s health after Al and Dick and Jerry fell aside.

We had nasty Hillary the Cookie Baker snapping at Jerry Brown (who warned everybody about them). We had the faux Jackson endorsement, dope denial, Sister Soulja and draft dodging. So, then, how to get the guy nobody wanted all the way home?

So, you've already proved it doesn't matter if you take the worst possible of the bunch.

What is important is who's gonna play Ross Perot and who is gonna release a Lawrence Walsh "un-indicted co-conspirator" charge at the end, which worked, unlike Gores DWI trick?