So, citizens are being forced at gunpoint to purchase healthcare in every civilized country on earth who has public healthcare?
THAT never made any sense at all.
"People don't have healthcare!!" (Actually, better than 85% DID, and most of those that didn't - were between jobs)
"I know - we'll make it A LAW THAT THEY HAVE TO BUY IT!".
"What if they refuse, anyway?"
"Then we will FINE them, through their taxes. How brilliant! They don't have healthcare - so we force them to buy it anyway!"
But - yeah. That was the gist of it. It's kind of like ending crime by making everything legal.
1) You're an insecure little person with clear anger issues who lashes out at the slightest provocation
2) You're a narcissist who believes that anyone who may hold a different opinion than you is clearly EVIL and STUPID.
3) You have no rational arguments to back up the dumb ****ing shit that pours out of your substandard brain and into the aether.
Until you know me, you have no goddam business accusing me of holding any ****ing opinion that I didn't express in writing here.
**** you.
This is standard, left-wing boilerplate - everything has a solution - my solution is the ONLY ONE - if you disagree, you :
Don't understand, so either let me 'splain it to you - or maybe you're just too stupid (which I find laughable - I rarely find that the left has an overabundance of intelligence, just the ability to regurgitate talking points).
You're mentally or morally defective - it's because you're evil - or racist - or greedy - or lack compassion - and so on.
You see what is lacking here - what is ALWAYS lacking - is a reasoned argument or a genuine interest in your opinion - and have a reasoned discussion. It's like that video John Cleese put out the other day - they don't want to discuss - since they're convinced they are right, the discussion is over before it begins.