

New Member
A buddy of mine ran out the other day and he said "NO WAY IN HELL" would he leave the house without deodorant on so he was powder fresh all day from his gal's deodorant. Said it worked great all day.

So what works for you and what does not?

Would a woman ever leave the house without any?


All Up In Your Grill
A buddy of mine ran out the other day and he said "NO WAY IN HELL" would he leave the house without deodorant on so he was powder fresh all day from his gal's deodorant. Said it worked great all day.

So what works for you and what does not?

Would a woman ever leave the house without any?

I would never ever ever ever in a million bajillion years not wear deodorant.

There have been times, on occassion, where I have realized that I did not put it on in the morning; I keep a trail size container in my purse at all times.

That is just straight up gross. There's nothing worse than the smell of body stench. :dead:

I like Lady Speed Stick myself. :dance:


There have been the few rare moments I've used up so much of it and hadn't gotten a new tube, but I always go out that day to get a tube. There's never more than 8 hours without deodorant, and it's only once in a Blue Moon. Nobody likes B.O.


I am so very blessed
I wouldn't go out without deodorant, cuz that's just nasty.

It amazes me when you get behind someone in line, and even from a few feet back, can smell their stench. Maybe their nose is broken that they don't notice that they smell like a hard-working migrant worker.....


Well-Known Member
I can wear it or skip it. Most weeks I only use it once or twice a week. If I'm going to be very active, I'll wear it. Sometimes I use homemade deodorant, which works just as well as the store-bought.

Hubby never wears deodorant. He works outside all day and never ever has BO. Seriously, I can't remember EVER thinking he smelled like BO. :shrug: And my sniffer works, because I can definitely smell when others don't wear it. :lmao:


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I wouldn't go out without deodorant, cuz that's just nasty.

It amazes me when you get behind someone in line, and even from a few feet back, can smell their stench. Maybe their nose is broken that they don't notice that they smell like a hard-working migrant worker.....

Or stuck in the elevator with them... blah.


A buddy of mine ran out the other day and he said "NO WAY IN HELL" would he leave the house without deodorant on so he was powder fresh all day from his gal's deodorant. Said it worked great all day.

So what works for you and what does not?

Would a woman ever leave the house without any?

I have by accident, wasn't too bad by the end of the day. For women, I think it depends on where we are in our cycle, what we have been eating, how much water we have been drinking and how hot it is, that determines how stinky we are.


New Member
I wouldn't go out without deodorant, cuz that's just nasty.

It amazes me when you get behind someone in line, and even from a few feet back, can smell their stench. Maybe their nose is broken that they don't notice that they smell like a hard-working migrant worker.....


I can wear it or skip it. Most weeks I only use it once or twice a week. If I'm going to be very active, I'll wear it. Sometimes I use homemade deodorant, which works just as well as the store-bought.

Hubby never wears deodorant. He works outside all day and never ever has BO. Seriously, I can't remember EVER thinking he smelled like BO. :shrug: And my sniffer works, because I can definitely smell when others don't wear it. :lmao:


I use my wife's sometimes, I just have to remember to get the armpit hairs off of it or she kicks my ass :lol:
A buddy of mine ran out the other day and he said "NO WAY IN HELL" would he leave the house without deodorant on so he was powder fresh all day from his gal's deodorant. Said it worked great all day.

So what works for you and what does not?

Would a woman ever leave the house without any?

I like Degree (Dove's pretty good too) and would never leave the house without it on...not on purpose anyway :yay:

This reminds me of a Chinese Proverb..."Fart in elevator smells different to midget."



Lobster Land
I've recently had a medical type problem that gave me irritation of the arm pits. Not wanting to aggravate it I stopped using deod. I do shower before going out and I'm very inactive but haven't noticed being odorous, or at least noone has complained to this point.
I've recently had a medical type problem that gave me irritation of the arm pits. Not wanting to aggravate it I stopped using deod. I do shower before going out and I'm very inactive but haven't noticed being odorous, or at least noone has complained to this point.

Sorry but they probably don't want to be mean. Have you tried baby powder instead of deodorant?


I am so very blessed
I've recently had a medical type problem that gave me irritation of the arm pits. Not wanting to aggravate it I stopped using deod. I do shower before going out and I'm very inactive but haven't noticed being odorous, or at least noone has complained to this point.
Just to be curious, if one of your friends came up to you and said "Hey, Oldman, you're smelling a bit 'ripe' lately. What? You give up deodorant for Lent?", would you get offended or be embarassed?

If someone I knew stank, I'd be embarassed for them that they'd need it pointed out to them.

If I was the one that stank like a hard-working migrant worker, I'd be mortified if someone came up to me to tell me that.

And just how does someone start the the conversation of telling someone they stink? How do you even bring it up?


Cleopatra Jones
Depends on what I'm wearing and what I'm doing that day. I don't sweat much at all and there are few times when I really "need" it. That being said, I do wear it most days.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I just hang around smelly people, that way nobody notices when I don't wear deodorant. Saves a ton of money :yay:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And just how does someone start the the conversation of telling someone they stink? How do you even bring it up?

I would (and have) told people they smell. To me it's very matter of fact and no need for embarrassment, just like if I told them they had food stuck in their teeth or something on their face.

But only good friends and people I'm close with. Everyone else is on their own because I don't really care of they stink or not.


Would THIS face lie?
I would (and have) told people they smell. To me it's very matter of fact and no need for embarrassment, just like if I told them they had food stuck in their teeth or something on their face.
But only good friends and people I'm close with. Everyone else is on their own because I don't really care of they stink or not.

Would you tell em if they had a booger hangin out of their nose?