Diametrically opposed


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Let's say you have a good friend, or even a family member, who takes on a cause that you are completely against and feel is detrimental to your own way of life. Example: you are a devout Christian and your friend becomes a Satanist; or you are a conservative person of wealth and your friend takes up Socialist wealth redistribution causes.

Would you support them in their endeavors?

Not "would you actively oppose them" or "would you try to thwart their activities," but "would you support them"? Give 'em an atta boy, congratulations, rides to a rally, express pride in their passion, etc.

Let's say it's your adult son or daughter who does this. Think of something that is not only the complete opposite of your core belief, but actually works to destroy what you believe in. Now pretend that your son or daughter has taken up that cause. Do you support them?



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I don't. If it's a true friendship than we are able to agree to disagree and each will show each other enough respect not to expect the other to think or act differently from their core beliefs regarding whatever the topic may be.

If the above cannot be accomplished by both parties than it is simply another case of two people who have grown their separate ways and the friendship will morph into an acquaintance level relationship.

Nope. Unconditional love doesn't mean unconditional support.



Well-Known Member
It would depend on the situation. If I was friends with someone and later found out they were a serial killer, pedophile, rapist would I sand by them, no I would not.

If I were friends with someone and later found out that they campaigned for Obama, yes.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's say a dear friend was, say, Biking for Bernie (you can see it on Face Book) and this friend had always been well left of you politically yet has long been one of the people always welcome in your home, always welcome in theirs, you'd trust with your kids or money, one of the people you always want to find more time to spend with and they're supporting, say, Bernie Sanders for President by, say, biking from Colorado to DC in 14 days, solo, to raise awareness of his campaign.

Would you support them by linking to their page, offering encouragement, give them a ride to the airport when they get here, work your contacts to see if you can get them some help?

Or would you see Bernie Sanders winning the Presidency as detrimental to you in ways you don't think, say, Dubbya, was? Or Obama? Or candidate of your choice might be? And, thus, not link to their page, not want to share in the reports from the road, not offer encouragement and tell them to find another way to the airport?

I am supporting my friend. I think this is awesome what he is doing be it Bernie or Bush III or Clinton II or Rand or Warren or Christie or whomever. He's sure as hell not doing the same thing and hoping for different results.


So, since Saturday AM, my buddy has made 590 miles, average is suffering. However, yesterday he faced 20 mph headwind all day and the last couple days it's been 100f. He's pretty much bored of Kansas!!