PsySheep said:
For more clarification, to what capacity?
It's irrelevant. I'm not here to preach.
PsySheep said:
Define "anything else". I ask this in the context of what you believe, not in the context of “there couldn’t possibly be anything else to believe”.
Context is irrelevant. It has nothing to do with "what" and everything to do with "why." I made that crystal clear.
PsySheep said:
Pretty arrogant to blanketly assume people are stupid only because they adhere to a thinking you don’t. The tables could easily be turned you know? I think it’s safe and smart to put things in a context of a whole rather than compartmentalize our beliefs to a single book. This would equate to placing your whole understanding of God’s plan for salvation in a single passage of the bible. In the same way I don’t think we should place our whole understanding of God in one book or even one “science”. All these other bits of information have come to light for a reason. There may have been an attempt by writers of the bible to quell certain books and passages, but for whatever reason, they cannot be silenced and are being exposed.
The point wasn't about faith in God, but in the validity of a book. Stop re-directing, it's annoying.
You said "Adding the “missing” parts doesn’t change the historical FACT of billions of believers…" as if billions of people believing added to it's credibility. I said "people are stupid" and gave examples showing that what people believe has nothing to do with whether or not it's credible.
But to my other point, how many of those writings have you actually read? Better yet, how many have you read with the mindset of "what's there?," instead of "what re-inforces my existing belief structure?"
PsySheep said:
But let’s just suppose for one moment that the bible (as we know it) had never been compiled. Would God still exist? Would he be any less that God without the bible? Is He any more our God with the bible? So despite who compiled the bible (“stupid” men around a table), God is.
I never questioned God's existance. Stop re-directing.
PsySheep said:
Even if this did occur, it still doesn’t change who God is. This is where my reliance on the bible ends and my faith begins. If you are going to believe in God you eventually have to come to a conclusion that regardless of what you read, your faith will ultimately expose the truth.
Of course it doesn't change who God is. That's irrelevant. What is relevant is the validity of the writings that define God and His will. Without them, what would you know of God? So if they're false, than how can you truly know God?
PsySheep said:
This is a very vague statement. Exactly what additional information am I supposed to be incorporating into my existing belief structure? I feel I have a good grasp for the sciences of nature, evolution and our universe. I don’t dismiss any of it as factual on their own merits; except for the agenda-driven purpose of dismissing God’s existence.
Actually, it was a very specific statement. To answer your question: The information that's written in the books you put so much faith in. Try looking at what's written, rather than how it interacts with what you already believe.
PsySheep said:
It seems your only purpose at this point is to demean me rather than challenge my points. A poor argument indeed.
This coming from the guy with constant re-direction, mis-interprations and putting words in the mouths of others when he finds himself backed into a corner?
PsySheep said:
So you answer my questions with a question. God is not a product. If you are going to believe in God (which you have admitted you do; to what capacity yet to be defined) then you have to believe in His eternalness. How do you apply any sort of logic to this? I will admit there is no rational explanation for God. That’s why there is faith. You want to call that “sheeply” following something then I guess I am a sheep.
Welcome to rhetoric.
And again with the re-directing
Look at the freakin' post! God is not "the product." God was not in question; the validity of the Bible was.
PsySheep said:
You can spin this however you want to suit your purpose. The Illiad is a poem, not a guide for understanding the Greek Gods in the capacity of worship.
Being around forever doesn’t make what true? Being around forever? The basis for everything I write is rooted in faith; not how old something is or if it outdates Christianity or if there were passages left out of the Bible. If you can’t come to this conclusion then you obviously wont understand.
And yet again with the re-directing.
I could go on and on about how poetic the Bible (especially the Tanakh) but screw it, I'll break out the baby-food machine and cut to the chase...
You said this:
This book you so discredit has stood the test of time unlike any other book. So I suggest you consider that historical fact before simply disregard thousands of years of history.
Saying that standing the test of time proves the validity. I gave you a book that has also stood the test of time; yet happened to be full of BS (in the eyes of those of us that believe in monotheistic religions) when it comes to the Gods that were worshipped; proving that age has nothing to do with it. And don't even try to twist it into who believes what today- crazy people are out there, just like stupid people.
I continue to counter your points and you continue with re-direction, mis-interprations and putting words in the mouths of others. So, tell me again: Who's argument is poor?