Originally posted by jeneisen
So, should I just keep my thoughts to myself until I have kids, or when asked should I be honest? Would you moms really take advice from someone who doesn't have children?
She asked you a loaded question!
If you want to keep your friend, just tell her that you're not qualified to answer that since you don't have children of your own, and you don't have experience in the same situations she has to deal with on a daily basis.
If she really wants your help, as a friend, then you should encourage her to ask specific questions, and discuss how you would handle something differently, and why she handled it in a specific way. Then, you learn, and she will gain insight into your perspective, and learn too.
I agree with what everyone said about not asking the question if you can't take the answer. But I also think that friends should be able to ask eachother dumb questions without risking a curb job.
She's your friend. Cut her some slack, and turn her dumb question into something beneficial to both of you.