Diminishing Biden


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Media Lied for YEARS About Biden's Mental Fitness; We Brought the Receipts

Hell has frozen over, and some in the left-wing corporate media have finally begun to entertain the notion that our 81-year-old President might, in fact, have some cognitive issues. Now is as good a time as any to remind everyone of how desperate these same journalists were to dismiss that idea as a “right-wing” conspiracy theory cooked up by cynical Republicans and “Russian television,” until ten seconds ago.

In left-wing media land, where war is peace and the border is secure, Joe Biden has spent the last three years of his presidency wowing reporters with his stunning mental fitness. Here’s a refresher of how that looked:

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Biden’s Private Profanity-Laced Rant Over Special Counsel Report’s Comments on His Poor Memory

Joe Biden threw a tantrum during a private meeting with Democrats after Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report criticized him for his poor memory.

Joe Biden STOLE SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center, his Delaware garage, his Virginia home, and his lawyer’s Boston office.

Hur found that Joe Biden “willfully retained” classified information, however, he decided not to charge him. Hur said there is evidence Biden retained classified notebooks, “knowing he was not allowed to do so.”


Biden forgot when he was Vice President and also couldn’t remember when his son Beau died.

Joe Biden was furious over the special counsel’s report highlighting his poor memory.

The press turned on Joe Biden after Hur’s report was released. One reporter suggested Joe Biden should step aside and let another Democrat run for president against Trump.

Joe Biden was not happy about this.

Biden snapped after the reporter asked him about his age and mental acuity.

Joe Biden’s gaffes during his Thursday night presser triggered 25th Amendment chatter.
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Biden Presser Was ‘Terrible for Democrats and Anybody with a Functioning Brain Knows It’

He added, “But here’s what you do. Instead of calling a press and saying, ‘I really am sharp,’ you attack the other guy. You know, Joe Biden gave the strategy in 2012. I remember he was vice president, and he said, ‘Don’t compare us to the Almighty, compare us to the alternative.’ So everything with Biden has to be not ‘I’m great,’ but ‘the other guy’s really damaging, dangerous, a threat.’ This is going to be a really rough, ugly, unpleasant campaign. Look, years ago, David Duke, the former Klansman, was running for governor against Edwin Edwards, who’d been charged, indicted, convicted of any number of criminals. Then Edwin won the campaign with a bumper sticker that said, ‘Vote for the Crook It’s Important.’ And they got to tell Democrats, look, both of the old guys support the old guy. It’s important.”


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Angry Joe Biden Attacks Special Counsel in Evening White House Rant: ‘How the Hell Dare He!’

For Hur to have included that special detail about his inability to remember when Beau died in his report, the president lashed out during the press conference, saying, “how the hell dare he!”

“There’s even reference that I don’t remember when my son died. How in the hell dare he raise that. Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself: ‘wasn’t any of their damn business,'” the president said on Thursday.

The president reminded reporters that he wears a rosary on his wrist that Beau gave to him from a church that he seemed to have trouble remembering, though it could be possible that the president had been so overcome with emotion when speaking of his deceased son that he had to stop himself.

“I don’t need anyone to remind me when he passed away,” he said.



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Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Biden’s Mental Incompetency Was Only Revealed to Give the FBI an Excuse Not to Prosecute Him

“The counsel had to explain why they weren’t going to charge him because it’s very clear he violated the law,” Carney said. “The special counsel believes he did so willfully. They just believe that a jury looking at Joe Biden would say, ‘I don’t know. That guy has no idea what’s going on.’ And, so, we don’t have a chance of getting him convicted. So, we can’t charge him because the FBI guidelines say don’t charge somebody if you don’t think there’s a chance of [conviction].”

“They think he willfully committed the crime,” he continued. “They just don’t think they could get a conviction. That’s why they put it in there.”
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Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Biden’s Mental Incompetency Was Only Revealed to Give the FBI an Excuse Not to Prosecute Him

“The counsel had to explain why they weren’t going to charge him because it’s very clear he violated the law,” Carney said. “The special counsel believes he did so willfully. They just believe that a jury looking at Joe Biden would say, ‘I don’t know. That guy has no idea what’s going on.’ And, so, we don’t have a chance of getting him convicted. So, we can’t charge him because the FBI guidelines say don’t charge somebody if you don’t think there’s a chance of [conviction].”

“They think he willfully committed the crime,” he continued. “They just don’t think they could get a conviction. That’s why they put it in there.”

Some of those files are from over 20 yrs ago. Was he a doddering old man then too .?


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Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Biden’s Mental Incompetency Was Only Revealed to Give the FBI an Excuse Not to Prosecute Him

“The counsel had to explain why they weren’t going to charge him because it’s very clear he violated the law,” Carney said. “The special counsel believes he did so willfully. They just believe that a jury looking at Joe Biden would say, ‘I don’t know. That guy has no idea what’s going on.’ And, so, we don’t have a chance of getting him convicted. So, we can’t charge him because the FBI guidelines say don’t charge somebody if you don’t think there’s a chance of [conviction].”

“They think he willfully committed the crime,” he continued. “They just don’t think they could get a conviction. That’s why they put it in there.”
Funny how intent only serves to benefit Demonrats. For everyone else that they want to prosecute, intent doesn't matter.

I say they charge, indict, try, convict him, and if necessary, set the conviction aside due to incompetence. The provisio is that he should never be allowed anywhere near a position of public trust (which he's been violating for 50+ years).


PREMO Member

They couldn't possibly be more predictable.

Any parent who’s ever called one of their children by the other’s name — or even the family pet’s name — likely could empathize when President Joe Biden mixed up the names of French leaders Macron and Mitterrand.
The human brain has trouble pulling names out of stuffed memory banks on cue. But when are those and other verbal stumbles normal, and when might they be a sign of cognitive trouble?
“When I see somebody make a flub on TV, I’m really not all that concerned,” said well-known aging researcher S. Jay Olshansky of the University of Illinois at Chicago. “What science will tell you about flubs is that they’re perfectly normal, and they are exacerbated by stress for sure.”

Oh please. There's flubs and then there's whatever we've been seeing from Biden that's gotten increasingly bad over the last three years.

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That must be some strong smoke over at Politico.
The two reporters offered a candid snapshot of Biden’s displeasure with the report that – although it did clear him of wrongdoing in his own classified documents case – included a description of his "poor memory" that has his administration, Democratic Party figures, and pro-Biden voices in the media doing damage control.


Well-Known Member

Media Lied for YEARS About Biden's Mental Fitness; We Brought the Receipts

Hell has frozen over, and some in the left-wing corporate media have finally begun to entertain the notion that our 81-year-old President might, in fact, have some cognitive issues. Now is as good a time as any to remind everyone of how desperate these same journalists were to dismiss that idea as a “right-wing” conspiracy theory cooked up by cynical Republicans and “Russian television,” until ten seconds ago.

In left-wing media land, where war is peace and the border is secure, Joe Biden has spent the last three years of his presidency wowing reporters with his stunning mental fitness. Here’s a refresher of how that looked:

I like all the quotes of Biden's personal physician. Remember when Trumps personal physician basically said he was the most fit human being he had ever met?


Well-Known Member
Flubs happen, Gaffes happen, but not every time he appears.
My god, this isn't just one mistake, that happens every day.
He stumbles around mumbling, his wife has to guide him off the stage, He is in a daze most of the time.
They juice him up before his appearances and the drugs wear off before he is gone.

AP allegedly a news reporting source, not a news making source, but like ever other media source they are in the Biden boat----------and it is going down, i only hope it take the media down with it.


Well-Known Member
Flubs happen, Gaffes happen, but not every time he appears.
My god, this isn't just one mistake, that happens every day.
He stumbles around mumbling, his wife has to guide him off the stage, He is in a daze most of the time.
They juice him up before his appearances and the drugs wear off before he is gone.

AP allegedly a news reporting source, not a news making source, but like ever other media source they are in the Biden boat----------and it is going down, i only hope it take the media down with it.
Imagine if they let him out of his cage every week.


Well-Known Member
I could have empathy for the man, it is sad to see a man slipping away mentally, but damn, look at what is happening.
Biden phucked up everything that Trump did on the first day in office, but he isn't alone at this.
He is backed up by greedy powerful people who are encouraging his crazy antics.
The whole of the democrat political cult is at fault for inflation, the loss of our sovereignty, the invasion, the Green sht that has damned near destroyed our auto industry and our electrical capacity.
How can I feel sympathy for a mentally disturbed man who is leading my country, my beloved country ,to destruction, and then blaming someone else for the problems he is causing.


PREMO Member

President Non Compos Mentis

By John Kass
February 11, 2024

Do you really think the bizarre angry-old-man cane waving performance of President Non Compos Mentis demonstrates his fitness for office?
Because after that politically disastrous news conference in the White House is where we are now.

Biden is no longer mentally fit to be commander-in-chief. He’s an empty husk. I told you he was a meat puppet years ago. Last week, on national television, he proved it.

The world is on the edge of war. China is pushing us in the Pacific, Iran pushes us across the Middle East. Russia is taking Ukraine, despite our war party’s best effort to bring us to the edge of world war. And the president is not in possession of his right mind. He’s slow and senile and the world can see it.

He is President Non Compos Mentis. That is lawyer talk, Latin for “of unsound mind.”

How did this come about? Biden’s Justice Department the other day ruled that the president was not mentally fit to stand trial on the issue of whether he’d illegally and for years taken top secret documents and stored them in broken boxes in his messy garage. He did willfully take the documents. He did in fact put them in broken boxes in his junky garage.
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Well-Known Member
They couldn't possibly be more predictable.

Oh please. There's flubs and then there's whatever we've been seeing from Biden that's gotten increasingly bad over the last three years.

Exactly right: charge him, try him, and convict him.

It's not like bodies will hit the floor for doing so, like they would if a certain former Presidential candidate was charged.

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