Diminishing Biden


Beloved Misanthrope
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🔥🔥 I keep vowing to take a break from the anti-Cabbage reporting and yet every day something new and memorable emerges and I can’t help myself. Yesterday delivered three elite editorials in the New York Times that evidenced a kind of intellectual breakthrough. To get rid of their brain-damaged candidate, they are beginning to realize the gaslighting is no longer working, and they are forced to grapple with their worst enemy: the truth.

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We begin with a truly remarkable piece penned by far-left pundit Nicolas Kristof, titled “Here’s the Hope if Biden Withdraws.” After a week of hapless Democrats pretending everything was business as usual, Kristof began by admitting what is manifestly true: this week was utterly unprecedented and historic:

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Biden Agonistes! The elites love their neat turns of phrase, but I still prefer the simpler President Banana Brain, or words to that effect. In any case, at long last, Mr. Kristof has obviously started thinking. Without explicitly saying so —he’s not suicidal— Kristof admitted the Democrats’ policies of pushing trans mutilations and opening the borders have backfired:

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Progress! Bite-sized progress, in small degrees, but still. Kristof continued in that vein, concluding that his greatest ‘hope’ for the country is that Joe Biden will step aside. At that point, Kristof’s logic crashed like a CrowdStrike computer, as he described a Democrat dream ticket: the unlikely pairing of Michigan lockdown maven Gretchen Whitmer and Senator Cory “Spartacus” Booker (D-N.J.) (for diversity).

Dream or nightmare; you choose.

Evoking whiffs of “Thelma and Louise,” regular Times columnist Michelle Goldberg published the paper’s second eye-opening op-ed titled, “It’s Time for Democrats to Hold Hands and Jump. “There is no salvaging this campaign,” she dolefully wrote. Waxing eloquent, she described the current status of the Donkey Party as “a despair-inducing slog” induced by “the profound pathos of a man unable to accept his inexorable decline.”


Ms. Goldberg offered the best and most succinct description of the Democrat Doom Loop that I’ve yet seen in print:

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“But if that’s the worst of all worlds,’ an agonized Goldberg concluded, “the one we’re in now is a close second.”

Rounding out the trio, Times editorial darling, intellectual elite, and transgender Russian ex-pat Masha Gessen published a very thoughtful piece headlined, “The Seeds of This Political Disaster Were Sown Decades Ago.” Setting the table, Masha admitted she’d expected a conspiracy-theory fueled MAGA rally at the RNC convention, but instead beheld attractive ideological diversity and common sense:

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It felt like an effort to reach independents who sympathized with things they heard from the RNC. But Masha really hit her rhetorical stride when, like Kristof, she described this week’s historical nature, and how difficult it was for all of us to grapple with:

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But I nearly spilled my coffee when I read Masha’s description of the classic C&C Superman Fallacy — deployed in this case against Joe Biden:

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Astonishingly, Masha intended to criticize Democrats for the autocratic argument that since Trump poses an existential crisis to democracy, only ‘superman’ Joe Biden can save America. Obviously, she also painted Trump with the same authoritarian brush, but her theme was really meant to answer Democrats clinging to Joe Biden:

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All three authors also decried Democrats’ social media conspiracy theories, which this week widely speculated that the Trump Assassination Attempt had been staged to make Trump look good or something. The theories shocked the Times’ elites. Conspiracy theories are only for Republicans!

Masha explored how this confounding reversal could possibly happen:

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Confronted with the left’s ready willingness to believe moronic conspiracy theories, Masha (correctly) diagnosed the problem not as Trump Derangement Syndrome or low information so much as low trust in government and media, correctly explaining that “conspiracy theories flourish — not, as it is often mistakenly thought, in a low-information environment, but in a low-trust environment.”

The gaslighting isn’t working anymore. They are starting to tell the truth. We are breaking through.



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Frank Biden makes shocking statement about his brother's decision to drop out of the race that sparks fury from Joe's family

Frank Biden made comments to both CBS and ABC News, telling CBS 'in my humble opinion absolutely' the president's health was part of Biden's decision to announce that he wouldn't run for reelection - endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris in the process.

'Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we has left,' Frank Biden told CBS.

He also told ABC News that the decision 'boils down' to Biden's 'overall health and vitality' but also 'beating this genuine threat to our nation in the form of Donald Trump.'

But a Biden family source poured very hot water on Frank's claims. 'Frank Biden suffers from alcoholism and hasn't spoken to his brother in weeks,' the source told CBS. 'What he said ... is completely untrue.'