Diminishing Biden


PREMO Member

Biden Claims He Was Vice President During Pandemic as Voters Say His ‘Public Lapses’ Are More Frequent

“And when I was vice president, things were kinda bad during the pandemic, and what happened was Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit and help fix it!’” Biden told attendees, per a viral video from the event.

Biden left the vice presidency in January 2017, more than three years before the coronavirus pandemic forced then-President Donald Trump to declare a national emergency in March 2020. Former Vice President Mike Pence was actually serving as the vice president during the pandemic.

The gaffe comes as the latest Harvard-Harris poll shows that more than three in five voters think Biden’s “public lapses” are becoming more frequent.


Well-Known Member

Biden Claims He Was Vice President During Pandemic as Voters Say His ‘Public Lapses’ Are More Frequent

The gaffe comes as the latest Harvard-Harris poll shows that more than three in five voters think Biden’s “public lapses” are becoming more frequent.

And you know, if he's your old Uncle Joe, this is ok. We all have a relative - or had - that you fondly smile around and realize, his days are numbered and it's best to let him say what he thinks.

THIS man is in charge of the nation - and he is applying for the job a SECOND TIME.


Well-Known Member
And you know, if he's your old Uncle Joe, this is ok. We all have a relative - or had - that you fondly smile around and realize, his days are numbered and it's best to let him say what he thinks.

THIS man is in charge of the nation - and he is applying for the job a SECOND TIME.
That's fine that he is applying for the second time. In reality he is doing what he is put up to do. He doesn't know his mind is dying.
People want to use the fact that his mind is dying for their own purposes.

What is truly scary is that a certain portion of America either cannot see his drift into the delusional or else they are willing to sacrifice America so that Joe-bama can continue for his 4th term.


Well-Known Member
That's fine that he is applying for the second time.
They all do. I can only think of - quickly - two Presidents who chose not to run again.
Johnson, in '68, because he knew that he'd either lose to RFK or get shellacked in November, because his popularity was in the can.
And Coolidge, who never wanted the job in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Not really sure he is getting worse, I remember him being a moron 30 years ago.
He's always been a dim bulb. NO one has ever tried to portray him as intelligent.
But he's no longer able to EVEN MAKE IT THROUGH scripted events without going off the rails, mumbling, forgetting, saying nonsense.

I get why people don't like Trump and voted for someone to beat him - but how can they honestly want this man back, again, knowing full well that Kamala is almost certainly going to be in his place?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
- but how can they honestly want this man back, again, knowing full well that Kamala is almost certainly going to be in his place?

That says more about their voters than anything.

They worship Stupid and Corrupt.


Well-Known Member
Historians are going to look at this era - at least the first three decades of the 21st century - and ask "What the **** were these *******s thinking. Seriously what the **** were they thinking?"
Nope, we'll be in full-fledged Idiocracy by then - they'll look at it as "the good ol' days".


PREMO Member

Biden's cognitive decline: Washington DC insiders reveal worrying new details with 81-year-old president now often incomprehensible and regularly freezing in meetings - 'he's not the same person'

  • Dozens of Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers spoke to the WSJ
  • The report paints a picture of a president considerably slower than days' past
  • The White House, who kept tabs on who talked, maintains he is still a top leader

Joe Biden's cognitive decline has become readily apparent to dozens of high-ranking officials in recent months, a bombshell new report claims.
More than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers offered insight on the subject, citing recent mistakes by the commander-in-chief they found concerning.

Aired in the midst of an election year, the report paints a picture of a president considerably slower than days' past, while the White House maintains the 81-year-old is still a top leader.

The dozens who spoke to The Wall Street Journal disagreed - describing a president who today speaks so softly that some struggle to even understand what he's saying.

Others pointed to the commander-in-chief's declining grasp of important policy details, and increasing reliance on notes and impromptu offerings from aides.

Several said Biden's demeanor varies by the day - as the White House reportedly went through great pains to keep tabs on what Democrats were saying. The report, titled 'Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping', published Tuesday.


PREMO Member
🔥🔥 The Wall Street Journal’s top story this morning bore the astonishing headline, “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” Was it the cannibals ate my uncle crack that finally did it, or when he called Kamala the President for the twelfth time?

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Everything is going fine
It wasn’t just another throwaway piece. “This article,” the Journal explained, “is based on interviews with more than 45 people over several months.” And, in fact, the Journal continued page after page offering anecdotes of Biden gaffes and slips, punctuated for balance with democrats hotly denying that Joe has ever been sleepy.

It was a useless, redundant pile-on. We already know Biden is losing it. We can easily imagine how much worse it is whenever the cameras are off. Maybe the Journal was being complete, but the various examples of Biden Brain Fails ranged over the twelve months, all the way back to Speaker McCarthy’s tenure. The “news,” if you can call it that, began with a pitiful example from January:

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The Journal also reported Biden has easily set the record for the fewest press conferences given by any U.S. President, something we also already knew. The real question is, why are they telling us now, and why are they acting like it’s some big revelation?



PREMO Member
🔥🔥 Yesterday, to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of our heroic U.S. troops’ victories and sacrifices on the beaches of Normandy, France, CNN ran this awkwardly ironic headline: “Biden gives warning about democracy during D-Day 80th anniversary speech.

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The surviving D-Day veterans are getting up there, into triple digits. The youngest senior warrior in any article I saw was a sprightly 99. All over the U.S., local communities and veterans’ groups commemorated the famous battle and to mark the generational anniversary, Western leaders, celebrities, military folks, and surviving soldiers converged near the battle site in Normandy.

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Former vice-president Biden was the day’s least interesting feature. Watching the various clips of the Nation’s top executive slowly maneuvering around the event was a nerve-wracking experience, like watching a video clip of a toddler crawling toward a busy intersection.

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But the aged soldiers stole the show. Many of our troops still stood smartly in their uniforms for the proceedings. Biden faded in the background, looking older, frailer, more past his expiration date, and less alert than even the oldest attending warrior.

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Inexplicably, the instant the proceedings ended, Biden stiffly shuffled off, leaving amused and dynamic French President Macron to cheerfully greet U.S. veterans. It was almost like Macron was trying to show Biden up.

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Biden’s speechwriters swung for the fences and missed. The presidential address, a failed and inappropriate attempt to directly compare our sacrifices in World War II to the Proxy War in Ukraine, blew up on the launch pad like a jammed SCUD missile. Biden’s effort to draw the awkward comparison went on far too long.

One can only imagine what our heroic veterans must have been thinking.

During his speech, Biden read the teleprompter in his monotonal pugilistic shouting style. Here’s a small sample to give you the idea:

“In their hour of trial, the Allied forces at D-Day did their duty! Now the question for us is, in our hour of trial, will we do ours! We’re living in a time when democracy is more at risk across the world than any point since the end of World War II, since these beaches were stormed in 1944! Now we have to ask ourselves: will we stand against tyranny! Against Evil! Against crushing brutality! Of the iron fist! Will we stand for freedom! Will we defend democracy! Will we stand together! My answer is yes! It can only be yes!”

It was loud, but unconvincing. One suspected that, if Biden ever does run into an iron fist, it will be all over. A feather fist would probably do the job just as well.

The attempted comparison was, to say the least, confusing. For one thing, during World War II, Russia was an ally who helped beat Hitler. And in doing so, Russia suffered the most casualties among the Allied forces.

Despite Biden trying to unheroically co-opt the day to make a defensive campaign speech, the event was — as it should have been — eclipsed by our glorious surviving D-Day veterans, whose attendance made a more profound and encouraging statement than anything the mumbler could have said.

Don’t take my word for it. Before endorsing Biden’s approved Ukraine War Narrative, the Economist’s story about yesterday’s D-Day Commemoration first recognized that the veterans were the real story:

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The duty of defending freedom now falls to us, the generation who enjoyed the blessings of the longest peacetime period in modern world history. We will not let our courageous heroes down.



Well-Known Member
Eaten by Nazi Cannibals, on Trumps orders, right?
Well yeah, but Putin suggested it first. It was Hitler's last meal after all.

Did you see Joe's new sweatshirt?