Discussion on Driving

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
otter said:
Thats right, you're usually at the 231, rte 5 circle in Hughesville on Sundays.
Going around and around and around. I still am terrified of that area because of KWILLIA, but I managed well on the way to Annapolis with VV. I freaked a bit but pulled it off like a champ. She can attest to it. Well, it blew her helmet off, but other than the additional neck pain I caused her, it went well.


Baby blues
czygvtwkr said:
The point of a speed limit is to not exceed that number, hence drive under or at it.
If you are going too far under the speed limit and impeding traffic, you can be stopped for that too. Don't know the exact law...must go google.


Baby blues
Found it:

I. A person shall not willfully operate a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. Tran. '21-804(a)

II. A person, who is driving a vehicle either (1) at 10 MPH or more below the posted speed limit or (2) at less than the normal speed of traffic, shall drive in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. Tran. '21-301(b)

ALL speed violations are misdemeanors and are subject to ticketing. Max $500.00 fine and a point on your license...so yeah, driving UNDER the speed limit is against the law too.


On the other hand, a yield sign is NOT a stop sign like many here seem to think.[/QUOTE]

There are a couple intersections where you should stop when cars are coming and not yield. One example is the WaWa on the corner of St. Andrews Church Rd. People trying to get into the parking lot of WaWa form route 235 should not have to stop because people merging onto Route 235 from St. Andrews do not stop. Don't know who has the right of way but it does couse accidents when people stop in the middle of 235 waiting to turn into WaWa.


I see cars driving too slow all the time and have never seen a cop pull them over. Must not be a law that is enforced.


New Member
All I know is that I am a better driver than anybody. I don't make mistakes. I have lightning reflexes to avoid others' mistakes. I am the one.


New Member
Tinkerbell said:
Found it:

I. A person shall not willfully operate a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. Tran. '21-804(a)

II. A person, who is driving a vehicle either (1) at 10 MPH or more below the posted speed limit or (2) at less than the normal speed of traffic, shall drive in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway. Tran. '21-301(b)

ALL speed violations are misdemeanors and are subject to ticketing. Max $500.00 fine and a point on your license...so yeah, driving UNDER the speed limit is against the law too.

Thanks for backing up my post from yesterday.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BernieP said:
a complete stop, as in no forward motion.
But isn't motion just a series of stops? If someone shoots your "movements" with a burst camera, it's a series of still photos.

So is there really any such thing as "motion"?


New Member
Isn't the Left lane for passing only?

I have to say when people are driving in the left lane and doing 55mph when the speed limit is 55mph and the flow of traffic is about 65mph..I hate that!

When I went down to NC to visit my family everyone drives in the RIGHT lane and if you need to pass then you use the LEFT lane...I think that makes more sense than doing 50mph in the "fast lane"<---but thats just me!

And, if driving on the beltway and you don't know where you are going..Please drive in the Right lane so you can make a quick exit, not the left lane lol! :lmao:


Poohhunny1605 said:
Isn't the Left lane for passing only?

I have to say when people are driving in the left lane and doing 55mph when the speed limit is 55mph and the flow of traffic is about 65mph..I hate that!

When I went down to NC to visit my family everyone drives in the RIGHT lane and if you need to pass then you use the LEFT lane...I think that makes more sense than doing 50mph in the "fast lane"<---but thats just me!

And, if driving on the beltway and you don't know where you are going..Please drive in the Right lane so you can make a quick exit, not the left lane lol! :lmao:[/QUOTE

not illegal to drive in left lane when not passing


Baby blues
Woodyspda said:
Thanks for backing up my post from yesterday.
I wasn't really doing that so much as responding to what czygvtwkr said after your post about it. I was reiterating that it IS illegal. (as well as drives to me want to use my truck to politely bump draft your sorry a$$ off on the shoulder so I can get on down the road.)


I know the law says to give way to faster traffic (if you are in left lane get over) but I have 2 brother that are cops in Maryalnd and they have both told me that they can't enfore that law.
P.S. I dont drive slow in the fast lane :lol:


New Member
hotmomma said:
Poohhunny1605 said:
Isn't the Left lane for passing only?

I have to say when people are driving in the left lane and doing 55mph when the speed limit is 55mph and the flow of traffic is about 65mph..I hate that!

When I went down to NC to visit my family everyone drives in the RIGHT lane and if you need to pass then you use the LEFT lane...I think that makes more sense than doing 50mph in the "fast lane"<---but thats just me!

And, if driving on the beltway and you don't know where you are going..Please drive in the Right lane so you can make a quick exit, not the left lane lol! :lmao:[/QUOTE

not illegal to drive in left lane when not passing

I don't think it is illegal anywhere, but common courtesy would be nice hahaha


Resident PIA
hotmomma said:
I know the law says to give way to faster traffic (if you are in left lane get over) but I have 2 brother that are cops in Maryalnd and they have both told me that they can't enfore that law.
P.S. I dont drive slow in the fast lane :lol:
Apparently the reason they can't enforce it is because it does not exist. In most states the motor vehicle regs call fro vehicles to be in the right lane except when passing and that slower vehicles must give way (move to the right). This is not the case in Maryland, which is why we get the imfamous rolling road block. A lot of it has to do with the ignorance and oblivious nature of the drivers. They don't care if they have a long line of traffic forming behind them, they are simply not gong to move over to allow traffic to go around.

Poohhunny1605 said:
hotmomma said:
I don't think it is illegal anywhere, but common courtesy would be nice hahaha
Oh yes it is. I know people who have been cited for failing to give way. In their case, they had passed a car and just had not bothered to pull back over to the right lane. Unfortunately one of the cars behind them was a State Trooper (NJ).
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Resident PIA
vraiblonde said:
But isn't motion just a series of stops? If someone shoots your "movements" with a burst camera, it's a series of still photos.

So is there really any such thing as "motion"?
The biggest problem is drivers who have the mistaken belief that if they get hit, the other driver will be held fully liable. News flash, if you pull out in front of another car and they hit you, you can be cited and held liable for the damages - it's called "failure to yield right of way" (among other things).


File Code: Vehicle Laws - Rules of the Road
Prior Year Introduction As: HB 52/00 - CGM
Sponsored By:
Delegates Kelly, O'Donnell, and Mitchell
Vehicle Laws - Overtaking and Passing Vehicles


Providing that on a roadway that has two or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction, when safe and practicable, a vehicle being overtaken in the far left lane shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle unless the vehicle is preparing for a left turn or the vehicle is in a high occupancy vehicle lane under specified circumstances.


Resident PIA
Nice, but post the motor vehicle regualtion, cite the actual code. Do you know how many bills are introduced and never make it into law? Note that this bill was introduced in prior years as well, apparently there was no support.

hotmomma said:
File Code: Vehicle Laws - Rules of the Road
Prior Year Introduction As: HB 52/00 - CGM
Sponsored By:
Delegates Kelly, O'Donnell, and Mitchell
Vehicle Laws - Overtaking and Passing Vehicles


Providing that on a roadway that has two or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction, when safe and practicable, a vehicle being overtaken in the far left lane shall give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle unless the vehicle is preparing for a left turn or the vehicle is in a high occupancy vehicle lane under specified circumstances.