Discussion on Driving


Harley Rider
hotmomma said:
I see cars driving too slow all the time and have never seen a cop pull them over. Must not be a law that is enforced.

ABSOLUTELY! It's called selective enforcement. I turned off rte 234 last month, and a 140 year old man was doing 20mph on a 45 mph road. Double yellow line and I had to be somewhere. I passed him and a County cop was coming towards me (way far ahead however). I passed the cop and he went on for about a quarter mile THEN he turned around, put on his lights and stopped me for passing on a double solid line. I told him that I will not tolerate this "stop" unless he pulls the old guy over and sites him too for impeding traffic! He checked my registration and let me go. I have NEVER heard of or seen a cop stop anyone for impeding traffic! I know this for a fact because these slow pokes are ALWAYS IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Poohhunny1605 said:
Oh yes it is. I know people who have been cited for failing to give way. In their case, they had passed a car and just had not bothered to pull back over to the right lane. Unfortunately one of the cars behind them was a State Trooper (NJ

It is illegal in New Jersey to use the left lane for anything but passing. Signs are posted all over the expressways and cops will ticket you.