Disgusting Forum Members Get Together

Well both... My parents (and you've met my mother...) are buying a camper and taking the rats camping this weekend. Sooooo in essence the afformentioned in this case is one in the same. :lmao:

I think MK and I are going to stop by at some point this weekend.

:lmao: Tell Mom hi! She's the bomb! :yay: I could talk to her all evening.

Please do stop by, and bring MK... I still owe him a beer. :lol:


Sounds perfect to me... I have a curfew (yes I am freakin 16 years old again) and need to be home by 10 :frown:
Heh... :huggy: I understand... I have a "can't go out until" time, and if I leave before it I get the disapproving look, sometimes a heavy sigh, but always a "alright, you can go..."