Disgusting Forum Members Get Together


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I don't wanna hear about it unless you're willing to provide photographic proof. :noseintheair:
OK, but we're going to need a wide angle lens.
F.Y.I... Sour milk cleans copper. Pour the milk in a flat dish, soak the copper for about an hour, then clean as usual. Or in your case.... just rub up against the copper. :smile:
My milk is fresh, TYVM. :drama:


Where exactly will you be attaching these bells? Will it be obvious like other things or are we going to have to send Mojo in to find the jingle?

:lmao: I guess you'll just have to wait and see :whistle:

If she keeps them in her prison wallet, I'm the man for the job. Figure this mess out! I'm rolling over to your house to see my boyfriend before he gets mad at me :lol:

:confused: What's a prison wallet?