Even into my forties, I used to believe that the law stood as a bulwark so strong that when political leaders chose to break it openly, SOMEONE would step up and say, sir, you can't do that, there's a law - and it was like a wall, like the speed of light. You can't break it. Period.
I've always known they would break it behind closed doors - but doing it openly - they now shrug and say "watch me".
Perhaps it's because playing by the rules doesn't change the outcome. I'm thinking groups like Project Veritas need to blatantly totally break the rules when it comes to stuffing the ballot boxes, because the left does it with impunity, cries foul when caught on it, claims it never happens and uses every stunt available to punish the right for trying to correct it (hence , the Jim Crow 2.0 in Georgia - voting laws that had no effect on restricting voters in 2022 except to lose the All-Star Game to a state with MORE restrictive laws).
As long as they GAIN by having non-secure elections, there's no reason to change it. IF by chance, someone ELSE beats them by cheating, then they might get serious.
They have so damned much of the press. They root and riot, they get a pass. We root and riot, we go to jail just for watching. They shout down our guys, they get praise. We shout down their guys, we get our asses beaten. Literally.
I used to think that playing fair would win - because people are savvy and can see it. Now, they don't see it, and they believe the crap version of the truth they're handed.
What I would LIKE - is for Washington to go back to SOME semblance of what it was - a body of persons who crafted some negotiated compromise that everyone can get on board with. Now, it's not, and most major bills are straight down party lines.