Disturbing cell phone picture


New Member
If someone creepy sends you a cell phone picture of his genitals, can that be considered harrassment? This person started out as a friend of SO and I, but then he started weirding us out. I've been ignoring him, then he sends me this awful picture.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
If someone creepy sends you a cell phone picture of his genitals, can that be considered harrassment? This person started out as a friend of SO and I, but then he started weirding us out. I've been ignoring him, then he sends me this awful picture.

Tell the SO. It's weird.


New Member
If someone creepy sends you a cell phone picture of his genitals, can that be considered harrassment? This person started out as a friend of SO and I, but then he started weirding us out. I've been ignoring him, then he sends me this awful picture.

Just tell Lugnut to stop sending them


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
If someone creepy sends you a cell phone picture of his genitals, can that be considered harrassment? This person started out as a friend of SO and I, but then he started weirding us out. I've been ignoring him, then he sends me this awful picture.

I knew you were catt's MPD. Forward the pics to MJ. She loves Pete. :yay:


Lem Putt
I believe this applies:
§ 3-805. Misuse of electronic mail.

(a) "Electronic mail" defined.- In this section, "electronic mail" means the transmission of information or a communication by the use of a computer or other electronic means that is sent to a person identified by a unique address and that is received by the person.

(b) Prohibited.- A person may not use electronic mail with the intent to harass:

(1) one or more persons; or

(2) by sending lewd, lascivious, or obscene material.


(e) Penalty.- A person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine not exceeding $500 or both.


I am so very blessed
Is this guy just creep anyways, or is he creepy for sending the genital pictures? Getting photos of someone's doodads would skizz me out, too.

If you have his mother's cell phone number, I'd forward his pictures to her, or any other common friends that you and this creep may share.


Watch it
If someone creepy sends you a cell phone picture of his genitals, can that be considered harrassment? This person started out as a friend of SO and I, but then he started weirding us out. I've been ignoring him, then he sends me this awful picture.

The word "crazy" comes to mind. Have SO send him a message to never contact you both again (you'll have a record of the message this way, or have him call). If he does something freaky like that again, I'd seriously consider finding how to keep him far away from you. That's creepy!


New Member
Is this guy just creep anyways, or is he creepy for sending the genital pictures? Getting photos of someone's doodads would skizz me out, too.

If you have his mother's cell phone number, I'd forward his pictures to her, or any other common friends that you and this creep may share.

I know you just did not tell her to tell his mommy on him:killingme


New Member
Is this guy just creep anyways, or is he creepy for sending the genital pictures? Getting photos of someone's doodads would skizz me out, too.

If you have his mother's cell phone number, I'd forward his pictures to her, or any other common friends that you and this creep may share.

He seemed nice at first. He was new to the area, so we hung out with him. He came over to watch football a few times, we went to the bar once. He just started crossing the line with "innocent" flirting. I told him several times he was making me uncomfortable. SO knew I was a little leary. I told SO, "I wonder if he's been in jail." Because the guy is 31 and renting the house from his parents, who used to live there and moved to NJ. Creepy guy just kinda came from no where, had not job, etc. That's why I suspected he'd been in jail. We had him over 1 more time to watch the game, and that's when he told us he'd been in jail for beating up a guy because he supposedly touched his girlfriend at a bar. :rolleyes: I've been ignoring him lately, and I sent him a text the other day in response to his multiple texts whining about the weather. I sent him a picture of me flicking him off. Apparently, he thought that gave him the go-ahead to send me the picture he sent. He said he was mad. :rolleyes: It was 2 days later...I guess he was still mad about it. :rolleyes:

I have no intent of talking to him again. I've told him not to talk to me anymore. I shouldn't have sent the picture of my middle finger to him, but normal people don't send nasty pictures like that. I don't want to go to the cops over a stupid picture, but i'm afraid if it escalates I'll regret not having reported it.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
He seemed nice at first. He was new to the area, so we hung out with him. He came over to watch football a few times, we went to the bar once. He just started crossing the line with "innocent" flirting. I told him several times he was making me uncomfortable. SO knew I was a little leary. I told SO, "I wonder if he's been in jail." Because the guy is 31 and renting the house from his parents, who used to live there and moved to NJ. Creepy guy just kinda came from no where, had not job, etc. That's why I suspected he'd been in jail. We had him over 1 more time to watch the game, and that's when he told us he'd been in jail for beating up a guy because he supposedly touched his girlfriend at a bar. :rolleyes: I've been ignoring him lately, and I sent him a text the other day in response to his multiple texts whining about the weather. I sent him a picture of me flicking him off. Apparently, he thought that gave him the go-ahead to send me the picture he sent. He said he was mad. :rolleyes: It was 2 days later...I guess he was still mad about it. :rolleyes:

I have no intent of talking to him again. I've told him not to talk to me anymore. I shouldn't have sent the picture of my middle finger to him, but normal people don't send nasty pictures like that. I don't want to go to the cops over a stupid picture, but i'm afraid if it escalates I'll regret not having reported it.

CYA and tell him not to contact you again. Then, if he continues, you have a case for harassment and can take it from there.


He seemed nice at first. He was new to the area, so we hung out with him. He came over to watch football a few times, we went to the bar once. He just started crossing the line with "innocent" flirting. I told him several times he was making me uncomfortable. SO knew I was a little leary. I told SO, "I wonder if he's been in jail." Because the guy is 31 and renting the house from his parents, who used to live there and moved to NJ. Creepy guy just kinda came from no where, had not job, etc. That's why I suspected he'd been in jail. We had him over 1 more time to watch the game, and that's when he told us he'd been in jail for beating up a guy because he supposedly touched his girlfriend at a bar. :rolleyes: I've been ignoring him lately, and I sent him a text the other day in response to his multiple texts whining about the weather. I sent him a picture of me flicking him off. Apparently, he thought that gave him the go-ahead to send me the picture he sent. He said he was mad. :rolleyes: It was 2 days later...I guess he was still mad about it. :rolleyes:

I have no intent of talking to him again. I've told him not to talk to me anymore. I shouldn't have sent the picture of my middle finger to him, but normal people don't send nasty pictures like that. I don't want to go to the cops over a stupid picture, but i'm afraid if it escalates I'll regret not having reported it.
It's Patch Tuesday! :roflmao:
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