divorce lawyers


In My Opinion
Oz said:

And allow me to go on record saying that I have never seen "his" although, he has bragged about it on more than one occassion.

now, on the other hand, we both have a mutual friend that had always been the brunt of jokes about the lack of sufficient size, I had always assumed that this was just a joke, and I played along.

then one day, we were out on the boat, and I said something to this person and he replied with a request for me to perform certain services upon him,, so I said, whip it out, and he did..... All I could do was apologize to him for making fun of a true handicap.

Oh, and before any of you choose to go there,, there were no services provided on that day, or any other day for that matter,, or nights or ever to satisfy this small persons desires.

That is all.


Finishing last
bcp said:
I just saw yours the other day.
She had some sort of surgery done and is in the recovering mode.
other than that she seems to be doing really well.

Yeah she had to have some of her stomach removed and part of her intestines as well. Ulcers.

Yes and I remember that day. And the suprised loo on your face! :killingme
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In My Opinion
Foxhound said:
Yes and I remember that day. And the suprised loo on your face! :killingme

How is little winky doing by the way, havent seen him in a long long while.

as far as the suprised look goes, the first thing that went through my mind was.... Post OP??????


Finishing last
bcp said:
How is little winky doing by the way, havent seen him in a long long while.

as far as the suprised look goes, the first thing that went through my mind was.... Post OP??????

I havn't seen him in how do you say it... A coons age. Funny you separate from the wife move to SoMD and no one visits or invites. Guess they all liked her not me. :lmao:


In My Opinion
Foxhound said:
I havn't seen him in how do you say it... A coons age. Funny you separate from the wife move to SoMD and no one visits or invites. Guess they all liked her not me. :lmao:

oh I dont know,, I always thought you had the cutest butt in the household.


The Smart Hooker
kellbelle said:
I did my divorce papers myself of course my luck he wouldnt sign the damn things so now I think I have to get a lawyer to fight his retarded f**king ass

That really sucks! Why do men (and sometimes women) do that? They know it's over. Why try to hang on? Anyway, I think after a year even if he doesn't sign them then it's final. I could be wrong though. If you don't want to wait a year, I would definitely get a good attorney and be done with it. Maybe the attorney can talk some sense into him. Give him a reality check.

Best of luck!


meme said:
That really sucks! Why do men (and sometimes women) do that? They know it's over. Why try to hang on? Anyway, I think after a year even if he doesn't sign them then it's final. I could be wrong though. If you don't want to wait a year, I would definitely get a good attorney and be done with it. Maybe the attorney can talk some sense into him. Give him a reality check.

Best of luck!
After 18 months if he doesn't sign the papers the divorce goes through anyway and a judge decides. Doesn't really matter in good old MD, marital property is 50/50 and if you, and your soon to be ex can't agree, the judge will decide for you. Child custody is a whole different ball game.