

Football season!
You're still married. Same risks as when you're living together.

Normally as long as there is no :spank: or :whip: you're fine

Go to the doctor for a pregnancy test is a dead giveaway.


Go Braves!
If the marriage is truely over I don't see the big deal in it:shrug: I've never heard of a "mourning" period after a marriage breaks up.


Cleopatra Jones
I filed for a seperation the day after I decided it was over with my husband and I filied my custody seperate. I never ran into any issues.


PREMO Member
ValleyGirl77 said:
Is it ok to have a boyfriend or girlfriend before the divorce is final?
Is your hubby cheating on you or are you cheating on the hubby?


Right Where I Belong
ValleyGirl77 said:
Seperated 6 months still no agreement.... working on that... :duel:
I would be cautious to date anyone without the agreement. He could accuse you of adultry prior to the separation. I have seen that happen before.


Right Where I Belong
pixiegirl said:
No need to wait for a divorce then. In MD you can get a divorce immediately if your spouse is cheating on you.
:yeahthat: If that is the case - you can file for divorce on those grounds. I do believe you have to have a witness or proof that he cheated on you. Am I correct...anyone..?


wandering aimlessly
KCM said:
I would be cautious to date anyone without the agreement. He could accuse you of adultry prior to the separation. I have seen that happen before.
I've seen that also. Even if the accuser had committed adultery before the breakup. If there are children involved and you are the custodial parent it is best to steer clear from relationships until the divorce is final. It just opens a whole can of worms.


Football season!
KCM said:
:yeahthat: If that is the case - you can file for divorce on those grounds. I do believe you have to have a witness or proof that he cheated on you. Am I correct...anyone..?


American Beauty
PREMO Member
KCM said:
:yeahthat: If that is the case - you can file for divorce on those grounds. I do believe you have to have a witness or proof that he cheated on you. Am I correct...anyone..?
I believe there has to be proof, unless he admits to it.


wandering aimlessly
KCM said:
:yeahthat: If that is the case - you can file for divorce on those grounds. I do believe you have to have a witness or proof that he cheated on you. Am I correct...anyone..?
You do need proof - a witness. And you can call the third party as that witness. That's what my officemate did.


Cleopatra Jones
KCM said:
:yeahthat: If that is the case - you can file for divorce on those grounds. I do believe you have to have a witness or proof that he cheated on you. Am I correct...anyone..?

You are correct but it doesn't take much. If they've been out in public together more then a time or two is good enough at least in MD. You don't have to have "solid" proof persay. Just enough evidence to show that an affair is possible.


Right Where I Belong
RoseRed said:
I believe there has to be proof, unless he admits to it.
Thank you.:yay: That is what I thought as well..but it has been so long since I worked in a law firm that I thought it might have changed.


New Member
RoseRed said:
I believe there has to be proof, unless he admits to it.

He admits to it! But I decided to stay in the marriage for the children, it lasted 1 year and I couldn't take it any more. The lies the cheating, him saying that I was the one messing around, calling all the time checking on me, where have you been... blah blah blah.... Time to get out!