

Well-Known Member
HollowSoul said:
it isnt adultry as long as the separation agreement is signed by both parties
is it considered adultry if they aren't living together but they haven't signed a seperation agreement?


HollowSoul said:
it isnt adultry as long as the separation agreement is signed by both parties
she do not have a seperation agreement. her husband is automatically the father if she become knocked up.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
sockgirl77 said:
is it considered adultry if they aren't living together but they haven't signed a seperation agreement?
I thought your bebe's daddy left you instead of marrying you?


PREMO Member
ValleyGirl77 said:
Good point!!! I like your thinking. Yes, I do have a "friend" in the picture. Yes, he could get me on adultery. BUT I never "cheated" while we were living together...
Do you consider yourself a slut?


sockgirl77 said:
is it considered adultry if they aren't living together but they haven't signed a seperation agreement?
yup....fraid so


Well-Known Member
RoseRed said:
I thought your bebe's daddy left you instead of marrying you?
i am with my son's father. i was married years ago but i am happily divorced. thanks for assuming thoughts out of your arse!


Right Where I Belong
If the separation agreement has not been drawn up yet..he could go back on her and say she cheated on him prior to their "separation". Even if he is the one that cheated while they were still living together. If she has proof of his adultry while they were still living together and he will not contest it, go for the quick divorce. If he will not go for that..get a separation agreement done as soon as you can.

I dealt with a similar situation with a client once - he cheated while they were together, but she couldn't prove it. As soon as she started to date someone (separation agreement was not drawn up yet) he accused her of having the affair. It was an absolute nightmare of the "he said - she said" syndrome.