DNR Police doesn't enforce the law that they admit is illegal.


Active Member
Long ago, a date took me to Windows on the World restaurant for dinner (top of the World Trade Center). Stupid me ordered Cornish game hens forgetting I was in a fancy restaurant and couldn't eat it with my hands like a bucket of KFC. Spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to eat it with a knife and fork while pretending to be well mannered and knowing what I was doing.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I'll take your word for it. :lol:
Just for you.....



#*! boat!
PREMO Member

Chesapeake Bounty had rabbit in the meat case last time I was there. Couldn't talk the wife into it.
My sis Carole raises food wabbits too. They get pretty daggone big!

Between the wabbits, quail and chickens she raises, their extensive garden and orchard, and the local fish, deer and squirrel population, when SHTF and TEOTWAWKI, they'll survive just fine.


Honorary SMIB
Why would DNR enforce a law they think is illegal?
I think the complaint was that the Rabbit Cop said the hunters were illegal and wouldn't cite them. I don't know, the Rabbit Cops I know (both professionally and in personal interactions) are real bastards about the zone distances.

I ran into one several years ago who was going to cite me for having a shotgun not plugged to the three shell limit. The problem was that the gun in question was an Over/Under.


Well-Known Member
I think the complaint was that the Rabbit Cop said the hunters were illegal and wouldn't cite them. I don't know, the Rabbit Cops I know (both professionally and in personal interactions) are real bastards about the zone distances.

I ran into one several years ago who was going to cite me for having a shotgun not plugged to the three shell limit. The problem was that the gun in question was an Over/Under.
I was being a smart ass


Stubborn and opinionated
I think the complaint was that the Rabbit Cop said the hunters were illegal and wouldn't cite them. I don't know, the Rabbit Cops I know (both professionally and in personal interactions) are real bastards about the zone distances.

I ran into one several years ago who was going to cite me for having a shotgun not plugged to the three shell limit. The problem was that the gun in question was an Over/Under.
No jokes there! I saw a rookie Mr Greenjeans try to check a double barrel for a plug when I first started hunting. The old boy who owned the gun in question called him ten different kinds of dumbass when he realized what was going on. The duckblind was a lively place that day and that story still gets mentioned from time to time.