Do I dare say this....


My Sweetest Boy
Betsy came in with the Bad Kitty gloves and Ruby made quite a spectacle of herself. :lol: BUT, she didn't pooh on the table this time! :yahoo: Everyone was so happy when it was Eddie's turn. He just purred and licked them to death. :lmao:

Betsy is great. She owns my former granddog, Pickles...the rock-eating Shih Tzu.
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Pea Brain
PREMO Member
You mean you weren't in the Otter Family wing? :biggrin:

:lol: We were in a room in front that we'd not been in before. It overlooks Route 4. Eddie was fascinated -- he'd never seen traffic! :lol:

Oh, and we were told to put him on a diet. :ohwell:


My Sweetest Boy
Oh, and we were told to put him on a diet. :ohwell:

Wait until they see Booger. He's due to go soon. He has a little trick he does where he runs from the food area, hits the corner of the couch and then onto the top of his kitty tower all in one motion. My son told him the other day, "be careful fatazz, you're gonna tip over." Well.. it happened. He was quite embarassed but it hasn't stopped him. :lol:


My Sweetest Boy
No. I gave her to a loving home (my aunt). She's still alive. But her name is Sunshine now. I couldn't find a place to rent that would allow kitties. She was so cute. I love orange tabbies.

A female orange tabby? were lucky..they're pretty rare. Most truly orange tabbies are males.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Wait until they see Booger. He's due to go soon. He has a little trick he does where he runs from the food area, hits the corner of the couch and then onto the top of his kitty tower all in one motion. My son told him the other day, "be careful fatazz, you're gonna tip over." Well.. it happened. He was quite embarassed but it hasn't stopped him. :lol:

:roflmao: I just love a fat kitty! :love: Ruby weighs 10 lbs. and her "little" brother is almost 20. :lol:


Well-Known Member
A female orange tabby? were lucky..they're pretty rare. Most truly orange tabbies are males.

I'm not sure if she was a true orange tabby. The litter she was from had a variety of looks to them. I got her around fair time when I was 18. I can remember seeing a sign on Hollywood/Leonardtown Road that said Free Kittens. I turned the car around. The mommy and kittens were hidden under the lady's deck. Years later I got a kitty from the same lady. She said that stray cats find their way to her house and give birth under her deck. This cat was considered a Domestic Bengal Cat. She was gorgeous, but wild. Tore down my Christmas tree. Dumbass exhubby let her out one day. Neighbor hated cats. We came home to find her dead on our deck. Took her to the vet. Vet said that Nala died of antifreeze poisoning. Called the cops but they couldn't do anything. :mad:


My Sweetest Boy
Unfortunately unless you have proof that the neighbor did it, police can't charge him/her. We have people calling up every day wanting warrants for neighbors who kill their cats/dogs that way. Police go out and talk to both sides but unless you actually see the person do it, there's not much you can do. All our animals are inside animals and the one time a neighbor complained about our Dalmatian's barking, animal control just laughed at him and asked him how we were suppose to stop a dog from barking at you when you are standing on their property at their fence??

Don't you have to have be charged with a crime before a warrant is issued?


My Sweetest Boy
Getting a warrant is charging you with a crime. A person can come down here, talk to an officer and make a report, then go to Magistrate's office to get the warrant. But on occassion, we've had warrant issued without officers being notified. Victim goes directly to magistrate who issues the warrant. Case gets thrown out in court 99% of the time because no investigation was done to determine if a crime was really committed.

Guess I thought you had to make sure there was a valid crime and either the cop or the commissioner had to determine if there was sufficent evidence. I was thinking appear in court. Warrant is actually to arrest somebody.

Carry on..:biggrin: