All over my FB friends are talking about how they had only a handful of kids come by, or none at all. They all live in prime TorT 'hoods, too, with lots of neighbor kids and houses close enough together to hit and run.
I think as you grow OLDER you tend to gravitate to neighborhoods with less children.
And there you have it.
People are also not makin' babies like they used to. People are too selfish to want families.
I think parents have concerns about taking candy from people they don't know. You just never know. Trunk or Treats are HUGE down here. Of course, they're held in church parking lots, and there's a church on every corner. We were discussing this being Pickles last neighborhood TorT this year, and going to Trunk or Treats, or a party at home. It's also kinda' creepy walking around dark neighborhoods anymore, when you have half of the street with it's lights all turned off.
The bag of candy we bought for last night is still unopened.
People are also not makin' babies like they used to. People are too selfish to want families.
Sometimes, that's a good thing.
People are also not makin' babies like they used to. People are too selfish to want families.