I was talking about my church, not the town of La Plata. If I remember correctly, Facchina did the rebuild of our church.RoseRed said:I may be wrong, but I thought they helped La Plata by donating their time to help rebuild.
roxie said:I see many young families who can barely pay their house payment and buy shoes for the kids. I think this keeps many of them from attending a church and I find that very sad.
22 Each year you shall tithe all the produce that grows in the field you have sown;
23 then in the place which the LORD, your God, chooses as the dwelling place of his name you shall eat in his presence your tithe of the grain, wine and oil, as well as the firstlings of your herd and flock, that you may learn always to fear the LORD, your God.
24 If, however, the journey is too much for you and you are not able to bring your tithe, because the place which the LORD, your God, chooses for the abode of his name is too far for you, considering how the LORD has blessed you,
25 you may exchange the tithe for money and, with the purse of money in hand, go to the place which the LORD, your God, chooses.
26 You may then exchange the money for whatever you desire, oxen or sheep, wine or strong drink, or anything else you would enjoy, and there before the LORD, your God, you shall partake of it and make merry with your family.
What budget?sleuth said:I never have...
Though I've made the decision that when my fiancee and I sit down to talk about our budget after we get married and choose a new church, we're going to build it into our budget.
I do not give for the approval of any man. I give because it is right before God. Our church leaders do not drive fancy cars and our church is one of the least ornate. Our church gives much of what is received in tithes and offerings to support those in need and missionaries.2 Corinthians 9:6-8
<sup id="en-NASB-28963">6</sup>Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
<sup id="en-NASB-28964">7</sup>Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
<sup id="en-NASB-28965">8</sup>And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;
I do know that the tithe is what is prescribed and it does not matter whether it is money, time, or goods. It should be given to the work of God and not to the community.Mark 12:41-44
<sup id="en-NASB-24715">41</sup>And He sat down opposite the treasury, and began observing how the people were putting money into the treasury; and many rich people were putting in large sums.
<sup id="en-NASB-24716">42</sup>A poor widow came and put in two small copper coins, which amount to a cent.
<sup id="en-NASB-24717">43</sup>Calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, "Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury;
<sup id="en-NASB-24718">44</sup>for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on."
And I choose not to let the "church" rob me.2ndAmendment said:I choose not to rob God.
I know someone with a Jag...2ndAmendment said:Something to think about.
I do not give for the approval of any man. I give because it is right before God. Our church leaders do not drive fancy cars and our church is one of the least ornate. Our church gives much of what is received in tithes and offerings to support those in need and missionaries.
Maybe you are going to the wrong church.Danzig said:And I choose not to let the "church" rob me.
If god wants my money he can come to me for it.
I am not paying to build bigger churches, or pay off lawsuits of people who's kids where molested by priests.
They have more than enough money and seem to mismanage it just fine without adding more of my money.
Not any of the church officials at my church. You?Chasey_Lane said:I know someone with a Jag...![]()
Not exactly a church official, but someone very active.2ndAmendment said:Not any of the church officials at my church. You?
So. Only the pastor and co-pastor are paid at our church.Chasey_Lane said:Not exactly a church official, but someone very active.![]()
You said it, not me.2ndAmendment said:So. Only the pastor and co-pastor are paid at our church.
If I could tithe and afford to get a H1A, I would.
2ndAmendment said:our church is one of the least ornate.
What? :shrug:Nickel said:
Who say's who have to take anything out of your income? If she's already doing it, shouldn't that be enough? Why not split it 50/50?sleuth said:What? :shrug:
It's really more of a problem for me than her. She already tithes. Therefore, I've got to make the decision to take it out of my income.
I haven't, though I've considered doing my tithing through organizations that adopt poor children, or through places like St. Judes.MMDad said:Do you donate to the Red Cross? United Way? Or anything else? I know that there are fundamentalists here, but if you are giving in some way, you are tithing, and if it is at least 10%, it's what you owe to your ancestors and fellow man. If you choose to do that through your church, more power to you.
If your church is using the tithes and offerings correctly, it goes to help those that are less fortunate in the church, community, missionary work, and things like that as well as paying the salary, if any, of church workers, maintenance of the church property, and paying the bills of the church. If it is not and is just accumulating wealth, then maybe you should question the church officials about it, or find another church that is more Biblical in its actions.Midnightrider said:the way i see it, god has no need for money, and this whole tithing thing is an example of what organized religion is really all about- making money. Next time our in church look around and estimate the $$$ rolling in if everyone is giving their 10%.
Where does all that money go???
10% x (her income) + 10% x (my income) = 10% (our income)...Chasey_Lane said:Who say's who have to take anything out of your income? If she's already doing it, shouldn't that be enough? Why not split it 50/50?