Do you make your bed every morning?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I've made my bed every morning since I was old enough to do so.

Better yet, are their any guys who make their bed? Men are notorious slobs - any exceptions in here?


the poor dad
I don't make my bed. My aunt tells me I should. She's 83 and makes hers everyday.

Make ur Bed!.jpeg


Well-Known Member
It's hit or miss with me. Like everything else in my life, basically.


..if momma ain't happy...
If I head to bed, and find that for some reason I didn't make it that morning, I make the bed before I can get in it. Can't stand the sheets not smooth......until later.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Only when billeting in the barracks. After that, nope. But before getting into bed I straighten out the bedding. Or when the wife would always do it.


Just sneakin' around....
Nope. My question is, "Why?" Because you're 'supposed to'? Because mom ingrained it in you because her mom ingrained it in her?
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nope. My question is, "Why?" Because you're 'supposed to'? Because mom ingrained it in you because her mom ingrained it in her?

Because it looks nice. I'm tidy in general - no dishes in the sink, no clutter, laundry folded and put away. Gretel's toys are all over, but in general my house is always presentable. Mess bugs me.


Nothing to see here
I rarely make the bed when I get up. Wife is still usually sleeping in it. If on the slim chance that I am the last one to get up, I do make it and I like to tuck the covers. That way at night, the wife has a hard time pulling covers off of me when she rolls around.


Not too talkative


Well-Known Member
I've made my bed every morning since I was old enough to do so.

Better yet, are their any guys who make their bed? Men are notorious slobs - any exceptions in here?
Am male. Make the bed every day, but usually in the hours before bedtime rather than the morning as I rise a few hours earlier than my spouse.