Do you think I can save my hair?


New Member
My hair is the longest it's ever been, to the middle of my back. I really like it this long. I have been coloring it with a product and then you go through with the highlights. Loved the color. My favorite. I wanted to touch up the roots and grabbed a one color box. It is a different color than I usually use, but I slapped it on anyway. The color is decent, but I should have just done the box with the highlights.

I dried it and after I was done, I ran my hand through my hair and came out with a clump. Did it again, another clump, clump after clump. It has finally stopped. My hair has noticeably less volume now.

I am afraid to wash it, brush it, anything.

I am going to the salon to get it cut off. It is going to take me forever to grow it back. Is there any process I can do to save the hair? Or is it hopeless?


Salt Life
Depositing color on hair usually doesn't damage it. It's the stripping (highlighting) that causes most damage. Just get a good trim, condition well and often and all should be good.


Well-Known Member
Depositing color on hair usually doesn't damage it. It's the stripping (highlighting) that causes most damage. Just get a good trim, condition well and often and all should be good.

but if that doesn't work maybe you could donate it to Locks for Love. I think they require it to be either 6 or 8 inches.


New Member
Depositing color on hair usually doesn't damage it. It's the stripping (highlighting) that causes most damage. Just get a good trim, condition well and often and all should be good.

I was sitting here putting that together. I think it is the highlighted hair that is breaking off.
There's a product called Anti-Snap by Redken, you should try that before cutting your lovely locks off. I hope it works out for you :yay:
but if that doesn't work maybe you could donate it to Locks for Love. I think they require it to be either 6 or 8 inches.

They won't take color treated and/or damaged hair. I don't know why because I'm sure if I needed a wig I would definitely not care if the hair had been colored.
Thanks ladies. I wonder if they have a deep conditioner treatment at the salon.

They do at the Galleria, it's called the malibu conditioning treatment. They can either do it there or you can take it home and do it yourself. Personally, if my hair were that damaged I'd probably opt for both.

Good luck Geek :yay:


They won't take color treated and/or damaged hair. I don't know why because I'm sure if I needed a wig I would definitely not care if the hair had been colored.

I donated my hair when I had it all cut off a few years ago and it was color treated, but it was healthy.


Salt Life
Geek, how often do you get trims? I have highlighted and colored hair. I see my hairdresser faithfully every 5-7 weeks. I get a trim each visit. The longer you go between highlights, the more damage you are doing to your hair. If you highlight more frequently, the bleach doesn't stay on your hair as long.
I donated my hair when I had it all cut off a few years ago and it was color treated, but it was healthy.

They may have cut it off and taken it from you but unfortunately that doesn't mean Locks of Love accepted it. I think it's really dumb that they would take color treated hair, damaged hair I can understand. It's not like the receiver of the hair can't color it themselves anyway, it's REAL hair :doh:


Football addict
Back in the day women saved their hair in glass hair receivers. Wig makers would actually come around every so often and buy your hair.:lol:


New Member
I had the same thing happen to me and i tried to save it but it just was sooo damaged i decided to cut it off and let it grow back....i miss my ponytails...but the long dead hair was too much to keep managed especially with the humidity...
Geek, how often do you get trims? I have highlighted and colored hair. I see my hairdresser faithfully every 5-7 weeks. I get a trim each visit. The longer you go between highlights, the more damage you are doing to your hair. If you highlight more frequently, the bleach doesn't stay on your hair as long.

What? Who told you that? :lol: That's not true, at all. Bleach is permanent, it's not temporary in any way (no matter how often you bleach your hair). I think your hair dresser just wants to make sure you keep coming back...often.